Sometimes I wonder...

Sometimes I wonder if becoming a  published  writer is worth all this work. This is something I think about from time to time like most aspiring writers do. I believe that is worth all the work I put into my writing and I do send query letters out to agents, I work on promoting my self published book. But sometimes I get down and think maybe I should give up, but I take a day or so off just to get some fresh air and clear my head some before I allow myself to give up a dream.

I did not post this to get pity from you, I am posting this to show all the dreamers that are having a hard time getting to their dreams that they are not alone. I have days were it seems like I will never make it but I refuse to give up on my dreams. I want everyone fight and work hard to make their dreams come true. Because one day the dreams will come true, I know it's hard I know it gets frustrating.

The reason I think they(in my case agents but they is anyone you need to get to your dream) make it hard to get where I want to be, is to weed out the wishy washy people that will not do the hard work to get to their dreams. So don't give up keep fighting you will make it, just like I know I will make it as a published author one day.

I am off to write
Happy reading
Happy writing
Keep fighting for your dreams


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