New pet, the start of school, and some explaining

First we have a new hedgehog her name is luna, she is a sweet little hedgehog and very active when she is awake.

School started Monday (August 11th) which my kids are very happy about which means I will have more time to write during the day as soon as we get used to the school schedule again.

I know my blogs can get boring for some of you and I am trying to keep it from getting boring, but I am a stay at home mom as well an aspiring writer. So there is not a lot of the fun or excitement to post about as an author who has been traditionally published with book signings and book tours. I do my best to post things that might be interesting to you as well as posting the progress of my writing, querying and what not.

With that said I will update you on my writing and such. I have been writing late at night when I can't sleep. I do have 3 stories I am working on, I am trying to get one finished before really working on another so I don't get the story lines mixed up. So far all the query letter I sent out for The were I have became ( working title) have either gotten no reply which is a rejection or rejection letters. I may have ti rework my query letter again and try querying agents again. I thought about querying publishing houses but I have heard very few will look at new work with out an agent. I know I need help but I can't afford to get an editor or pay proof readers, so I am trying to do all this on my own.

On a happier note I will be taking part in a writing workshop at archon this October so I will get some input on one of my stories and see if I can apply what they say about that story to my other works. I will post more about archon when it gets closer to that time.

It's 3:25 am right now I need to see if I can get some sleep before my kids have to get up for school.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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