Message to the negative people messaging me

Lately I have been getting some mean and some really nasty messages about my writing and my wanting to become a published author. I have a few things to say about the messages and to say to those wonderful people.

One did your parents not teach you " if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"

Two if you do not like what I write or that I am trying to be a published author don't read what I write, don't follow me on all the social media I am on, and stop reading my blog.

Three I know you want to to get angry and send you nasty messages back so you can say " see I told you she's a........" ( I will let you fill in the blank) I will not do that I am not a mean or horrible person. The most you will get is " I'm sorry you do not like my writing and/or me as a person please do not allow myself or my writing interrupt your life"

Now that I have said this you will not hear me say ( or write) this every again.

Have a great day
Happy reading
Happy writing


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