Why just simply why?

Today I am not having the best day, yes I am human and I am allowed to had bad days. But today I am really upset. Why is every time I get to sit to write the flipping phone rings or someone comes to the door. And it's not a quick convotion it's one of those talk your ear off for an hour talking about nothing important. And when you do get to say something you are accused of being bitchy or snotty when you inform them you where writing and you really need to get back to it while the story is still hot and flowing. 

I want to know Why is that I query EVERY agent that works in every genre my book would fit into and I can't get more then then general cookie cutter "No thank you" rejections I know they get hundreds of query letters every day. I honestly think they never read more then 3 or 4 day and the rest get the " No thank you" reply or no reply at all. I would take the "No thank you" email or letter over no reply. I just want some idea if my query is ok or do I need to change it, but I guess the cookie cutter rejections are telling me I need to work on my query.

Then if you decide to self publish you are looked down at because "you took the easy way out". Thing is it's not easy you have to proof it and pay for every darn proof till it's right. Then you have to promote it which is soo hard when you have no idea how to do it. When you do everything you can do but it is not selling well. Everyone suggest everything you already did then they get mad at you because you say "yes I did do that" but they think you are snotty.

Writing is one of the hardest industries to be in. You can write all day every day but the minute you try to get published you are basically told you are crap because you are not a best seller. But you can't be a best seller unless you get published by a publishing house. But publishing houses will not look at your writing unless you have an agent, but you can't get an agent unless you have been published. All of this would discourage anyone. But writers are stronger then that, we keep trying and trying and trying till we get where we want to be.

Thank you for reading my rant
Happy reading
Happy writing


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