
I thought I would give a preview of what I write.
This is from Nirvash, a Vampire's Tale

                                                                   Chapter 1

Why are all the best places to eat in the worst parts of town?, I thought as I walked under one of the                                                                                                                  
few street lights still working to light the road and sidewalk.  I smiled when I saw my destination.
I walked into a nondescript building where a heavy set man with blond hair was behind the bar.

He looked up and said “Hey Nir, want your normal meal?”

This was Pete's place and it is called Pete's place of course, which makes me giggle for some odd

I waved “No Pete, let’s try O negative this time.
As Pete brought me a bowl of what looked like tomato soup so not to scare the living costumers,
I said, “It is kind of quiet out tonight, while before looking around at the place which was empty till a couple                                            
walked in laughing.
Yea it has been kind of dead all day, no pun intended”, he said with a chuckle.
I laughed, “Yea I see that”.   Just then someone walked inThank you for the soup Pete and I                                        
started sipping my ‘soup’ before it got cold.

I hate consuming cold blood it gets all clumpy with clots; I do not want to chew my meal and it                                                                                                                                         
just plain gross. I sat and ‘ate’ while everyone came and went and they never even looked at me.
Pete wandered back to me just as I finished my meal.

“How was it?” he asked

“Very good, thank you Pete” I responded.

I extended money for my meal and he shook his head “It is on me tonight, Nir.” He had a scared                                                                        
look on his face.

I gave him a confused lookOh ok, Pete, thank you” and I turned to leave.
Then I saw what had scared Pete. In the door way there was a rather large man with jet black hair. He had scars across 
his face like he was clawed by a bear or something. He was carrying a large rifle and looked pissed.

He scanned the room then said “I am looking for nasty vampires. Are there any here?” 

Pete shook his head and in my best I am Innocent voice I said “No sir, because if there were any I
would  just scream” and thought ‘you have never seen one if you have to ask you mother fucking
red neck’

He looked at me kind of sideways and said “Alright then. Looking at Pete he said, “You are the
bar keep right? Well get me a beer. I am going to sit here and wait ‘til some blood suckers show                                                                                                

With that I walked out the door. It was sad that vampires had to still hide even though we had
been out of the coffin, so to say, for a hundred years. I headed for home which is an old Victorian
mason in the historic end of town. It is only two stories but I love it; all the bedrooms are on the                                                                                                              
second floor and it has a yard around it (like I ever use it)My great grandmother left it to me since I was the last member of thefamily. I can not remember it ever not being there, but I have kept it in good shape. I could fly there faster but with all the huntersaround now a days it was safer to drive. Which I would be doing if my car had not broken down the other day. It is harder
than you think to find an all night mechanic. So I am walking home on this cold night (not that I felt the cold), wishing I knew how to fix my damn car when I heard yelling up a head. Then I saw a gang of hunters chasing someone towards me. I stepped in to the shadow of the building I was passing so they would not see me.

    The hunters had caught up with who they were chasing which happened to be a very young looking man, or should I say boy. He was about six feet tall, muscular, long red hair, very much a heart throb kind of guy. He had six big redneck kind of guys wrestling with him. It almost looked like they were trying to rip him apart.  I could not let them kill the poor boy.

So I stepped out of the shadows acting as if I was out of breath from running and said “OGod help me it is after me!” I grabbed one of the rednecks and cried “Please sir help me, it is trying to kill me, please do not let it get me,” as I fell in to his arms.

He scanned the shadows. “Where did you come from, where is it?”

“I was walking home when it jumped out of the ally and started chasing me.  When I heard you yelling I ran through that ally towards the noise,” I said while pointing to the nearest alley. “Please do not let it get me.” I acted as if I was crying. “It is so big and scary I know it wants to eat me.
That must have done it because he said, “Come on guys, there’s one that way that tried to get this poor little girl.” They all ran the way I had pointed.

As soon as they were gone, I went to check on the guy they were fighting with. He seemed to be ok, just beat up and was unconscious,but I could not leave him here so I risked flying him home. When I got him to my home, I dressed his wounds and put him in one of my guest rooms. Then went to find my roommate, who also is a vampire in hiding. She is about my height, which is five foot three inches, with long dark hair like mine. The only difference between us is I have a larger chest than she does which pisses her off to no end. I found her in the front room laying in one of the overstuffed arm chairs with her legs hanging over one of the arms watching the television.

I walked in and cleared my throat to see her jump up with a shocked look “Oh hi Nir, I did not know you were back yet. Did you get your car fixed? I did not hear it pull up.

No not yet Sam, I flew home.

“YOU FLEW HOME, WHY??” she said looking scared.

“Yes, I flew home because I brought home a guest” I said very calmly.

You brought someone home? Who is itIs he cute?” Sam asked, acting like a school girl.

“How do you know it is a guy?” I asked giving her a look.

Because I know you, so who is it?” she replied.

“I do not know his nameI saved him from a gang of hunters and he was unconscious,” I told her.

Is he ok?” she asked.

Yes just beat up he is resting right now in a guest room” I answered.

Oh which one?” she asked with a naughty look in her eyes.

I gave her a disapproving look “I am not telling you.”

Shocked she asked, “why not?”

I answered “Because I know how you are Samantha and he does not need you waking him up in your special way.” She startedpouting.   “Do not start that, I am not telling you and you stay away from the guest rooms”

“Nir that’s not fair, I want to meet him.” she whined.  

I let her live with me because her maker made her when she was too young to choose for herself and when she whined like this she
showed how young she was when she was made. Which was about16, I believe she said when I found her.

“Sam you will meet him at sun down, but right now it is close to dawn and we need to get to our resting places,” I said sternly.

Oh alright,” she said as she sulked to her room.

I just chuckled and went to my room, where my ‘bed’ was. It was really a coffin, but I hate calling it that. I took my coat and boots off.Then climbed in my bed and  closed the lid with a sigh; I let myself drift off. When I awoke I could hear voices in the hall. I got up and changed, then headed out to see who was here. I found that Sam was in the kitchen with the young man I saved the night before.


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