
 November was a quiet month, I did some writing on some on going W.I.P.s and some newer ones. I didn’t have any events planned for the month. The most exciting thing was an issue with my mother in-law’s stove.

  The on going W.I.Ps are book 4 of my Ann Smith series it’s about 40,000 words and I am hoping it’s the last one in the series. I am working on formatting Nirvash, A Vampire’s Tale for re-release I am hoping to have it out by the end of  December. I am working on Lovebug’s story to have it out sometime next year. The newer ones are not titled yesterday but most of them have a few hundred to a thousand words each. But I am hoping to get them out in the next few years.

  Now the most exciting thing being issues with my mother in-law’s stove. The weekend before thanksgiving her oven stopped working. My husband took her out to get a new one, and it was supposed to be delivered the Wednesday before thanksgiving. It wasn’t delivered, and to this day it’s still not been delivered. It should be here the 10th, at least according to the store she ordered it through. Until then she can still cook on the range part of the stove but nothing in the oven.

  I do have an event ( I will hopefully get more info soon) on the 7th but it seems like the people in charge may have dropped the ball. I did get an email saying it’s still happening but nothing else as of yet.

I have more work to do, have a great day 

Happy reading 

Happy writing 


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