June has been a bit busy

   I know June is not over yet but the rest of the month should be calmer(I hope). so lets get into what has kept me busy, well the month started OK it was the normal amount of chaos for my life. I had been writing and promoting my books and the event I did on the 17th. then I was dealing with friend issues (its all taken care of, no worries).  My hubby took the first week off  and I didn't get much writing done, but I got to spend time with my hubby.

     I had to order more books, pencils and business cards, they all came the first week or two of  the month. Then my son's 21st birthday happened which was just simple and he wanted cupcakes. I made him cupcakes, and we took him out to eat. The rest of that week was spent getting over a cold and getting everything together for the vendor event. the event went OK, I sold six books which I think was OK I enjoyed the event.

      I am working on getting back to writing, and promoting. but I have also been thinking about putting the books I have out already on Ingramspark. I want to do this so my books could be in other places than Amazon. I'm not sure if its a good idea yet. but other than that I am trying to get the funds to get book three of my Ann Smith series and a vampire book I pulled from being out so I could do some rewrites.

  I hope life stays some what calm for a little while. now I need to get back to work

happy reading

happy writing


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