The first week of May

      Well it started out well I started working on a story I started when my youngest kid was about 10 years old. It was going well, I made some progress and I was happy. I started getting my stuff together for an event I had on Saturday. 

    The event itself went really well and I sold 13 books which is awesome. I met a lot of nice people and a bookstore owner in the town offered to let me do a book signing there which is awesome. While my husband and I were at the event I was able to get a huckleberry plant. I was really excited I finally have one. 

     After we got home and had dinner and we were relaxing and I was scrolling social media and I found out my father had passed away on Friday May 5th. we had no contact with my family for the last 8ish years.(Long story I will not get into) I bothers me no one from my family told me. But at least I know, I don’t know when anything is happening and where he will be laid to rest. (It has something to do with us not speaking) 

      I am OK, I am living I will be fine.  I am carrying on with life and will be having my own ceremony for my father’s passing. I hope one day the rest of my family will want to do better and want to be in my life.

     All in all the week was good just ended on a solemn note. I need to get back to my writing.

Happy reading 

Happy writing 


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