busy with events

     I have been so busy with vendor events I nearly forgot to blog and send out my newsletter. I was thinking I would walk you all through a day were I am doing an event. 

    Everything starts when I bring up all the things I need. I get my books, the swag (bookmarks, stickers, business cards, pencils), my banners, and bags, newsletter signup sheets, questions (I will explain those in a moment) and the signs, moneybox with the money to make change, plus the things I need to take credit/debit cards. All the things I just listed I always need no matter if I am inside or outside. Now if I am outside, I need a table, chairs, and my canopy.

    On event days, which are normally a weekend day. I get up early so I can take care of my animals, take vitamins, and eat breakfast. Then I help my husband (who helps me at the events) load the car, we do one last check to make sure we have everything then my husband and I go to where the event is being held.

    Once we get to where the event is, I find the one in charge to make sure I know where we are to be setting up. As soon as we get to our spot, we start setting up our booth/table. Our set up takes about 20 to 25 minutes. After we are ready my husband offers to help others around us set up their tables and/or canopies. 

    When the event starts, I smile and say hi to everyone who walks by, sometimes that will bring customers to my table, and sometimes it's just the banners or the looks of my books. On good days I nearly sell out, on not such good days I don't sell any books, but I give out enough bookmarks and busness cards to interested people. It is worth it to do the event again in the furture

    Now to explain the questions and why my husband helps me. The questions are the questions i post weekly on social media. I just printed them out and put them in a binder. I set it out and flip the pages every few minutes, so a different question is shown.

     My husband helps me at events because I get lost easily so he drives me to events. He helps me set up, so it does not take me too long to do it. I am also hard of hearing and sometimes I can't hear what is being said so he will either repeat what was said or he will answer for me. I do put a notepad out that says I am hard of hearing.

    I hope this was not too boring and it was helpful to someone. I am off to get some writing done

Happy reading

Happy writing


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