A day in the life of a writer who is also a mom

    I was asked a few times how I can write while being a stay-at-home mom. So, I thought I would give you all what a day in my life is looks like. Now I know this may be rather boring for some if not all of you. But I was asked that question enough I felt the need to do this, maybe it will help someone who wants to write but not sure if they can. With that said let's get started.

    I start my days at 4:15 in the morning Monday through Friday. Three days a week I work out, not soon after getting up. On the other days I get up early and I spend time with my husband before he goes to work. I take care of my animals before taking my oldest to work on days he works. When I get home from taking him, I do some homework which is mostly just straightening up here and there before sitting down and doing some promoting my books. 

  After I pick up my son from work, we eat lunch and I either continue working on promotional stuff or I start working on my current work in progress until my husband gets home from work. Lately I am working on book 4 of my Ann Smith series, and I have a few other story ideas I have been writing notes on. Then we have dinner between 5 and 5:30 p.m. After dinner, my son will do dishes and I do help him if there is a lot. Then my husband and I talk or work on a craft thing we are working on for our youngest child who is at college. 

    After my husband and son go to bed I work on my current w.i.p for about an hour or two before I go to bed myself. The next morning, I get up and started all over again. I do have to say now that my kids are basically adults (they are 19 and 20) it has gotten easier to find time to write during the week. On weekends I try not to write until later in the day so i can spend time with my family and get bigger projects around the house done. 

    Well, I hope this answered your question and I hope this does help some of you. Now I need to get back to my work.

Happy reading

Happy writing



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