The new year and the goals.

  I hope everyone had a good holiday season, and the new year is starting well for you all. My holidays went well and my new year is going well so far. I am writing this for a couple reasons, one is to keep myself accountable to my goals. Two to help those who might feel overwhelmed trying to set goals.

  Let’s start with holding myself accountable, I have discovered I write out my goals where I see them I keep to them better. I suggest if you have a hard time keeping to your goals try writing them out and have them where you see them every day. If you still have a hard time try adding some smaller goals, it helps keep you motivated when you see that you were able to mark off goals.

   Now the goals, they can be anything, they can be as big or small as they need to be. My goals are small with a few big ones. Mine are, 1. to write everyday for at least an hour a day but try for 1,000words a day. 2. Finish writing book four this year. 3. Get book three edit and possibly published this year. 4. Go to more vendor/craft event to sell my books. 5. Read more books. 6. Spend more time with hubby. 7. Go on adventures with hubby and kid(s). 8. Continue on my weight loss journey. That’s all for now but I will add more as the year goes on. Most of mine are career related but I do have personal ones as well.

  Your goals can be about anything you feel would be a good goal for you. Do not push yourself too hard to reach all your goals in a few months. Some goals can take all year and that is OK.

Now I am going to get back to my writing.

Happy reading 

Happy reading 


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