The last month or so

     I am sorry I have been a bit quiet for a while. For the last month or so has been busier than normal for me. I have been mom taxi for my son taking him to and from work which is pretty normal. What wasn't so normal was my youngest child was in a play and for most of June practice was daily until the end of the month when they did 3 performances. it was a really good play I enjoyed seeing it. 

    We are also getting everything done we need to so my youngest can go to college at the end of this month. So, we have been doing all kinds of paperwork and buying things they will need. this is a hard time for me because my youngest is going to college an hour and a half to two hours away from home, so I am a sad mom :(. 

    One of the things we did was make sure they had a better computer for school, and I ended up with a different laptop. which meant I had to move everything from my old laptop to the new to me one. and at first everything was going great. I had gotten everything transferred over and was downloading my cloud storage program. Well, when it was all downloaded and it too everything off my desktop and instead of keeping the most up to date version of my 3rd book and character list it kept the ones from over a year and a half ago. Luckily, I had a printed copy of book 3 i used to edit, so I spent 2 almost 3 weeks rewriting book 3 from the only paper copy I had. 

    Also, during this time I was having a few healthy issues that end with me having a really bad allergic reaction to a medication I was prescribed. Luckly it was only one dose, so I didn't have too much in my system. throughout all of this I had been writing, promoting and trying to get signed up for vendor type events. I had one I was trying to do in June, but it fell through. 

    This past weekend I did an event on Sunday, it was a good event. It was mostly crafters and food vendors, but I did sell 7 books (4 copies of New Life By The Full Moon and 3 copies of Life By The Blood Moon) so I think it was a success. I am also doing another event next month and the end of September into the beginning of October. So, I will be busy for a while longer, but I do enjoy doing all this.

    I know not all of you care about my day-to-day life, but I write things like this to help encourage other creatives with busy day to day lives know you can still create even when life is busy. I am just a stay-at-home mom/housewife that still writes everyday even if it's only 10 or 15 mins at a time.

Now I better get back to my writing and promoting before life realizes I and doing my own stuff, LOL

happy reading

happy writing


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