Just a random post

 I have been writing a lot and I am hoping to have book 3 done soon. I am super happy to get it done, I will be taking a break from it before I start editing it myself. I will be working on book 4 while I take my break from book 3.

I have also been doing on the promoting for both book 1&2  which is a lot of work as well and I am gladly doing it. The issue I am having is finding vender events and conventions to go to. It has nothing to do with the events or conventions. It is that google is a pain in my bottom when I go to search what I want all it shows my is event schedulers and ticket sellers I have to be a member of. I know it has something to do with how I phrase what I am looking for but I don’t know how to put what I am looking for so I get websites of the events and conventions with out the scheduler sites.

I am posting this mainly to show other creatives trying to make it in the world. That yes everyone is having frustrated moments and have small break downs about what is frustrating you. But don’t give up you will get past this and will be better off soon.

It’s time for me to get ready for bed.

Happy reading 

Happy writing 


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