Archon 44 was awesome

 Archon ended almost 2 weeks ago, I am sorry I have not done this sooner but life has been busy since the convention ended. 

So I will do a day by day run down ;) We were very excited that Archon happened. There where not as many people which is understandable. We did have to wear masks the whole weekend except when eating and drinking which is also understandable.

Friday Oct. 1st; My husband helped me set everything up at 9ish in the morning. it was kind of slow most of the day. I beleive I sold one book but it was an e-book. In the afternoon my husband got the kids from work and school. towards the end of the day we had a group of people who kept flipping through my questions I put out to start conversations. Their answers to them were amazing and funny, in the end I sold a book to one of the ladies in the group I asked her to write her name down since it was a bit loud and I was having a hard time hearing with the masks on. when she wrote her name down she also asked me to draw a picture. so I drew a bunny and signed her book. she looked at what I drew and was so happy I drew a bunny because bunnies are her favorite animal and had one tattooed on the back of her shoulder. we stayed until 8ish pm that night.

Saturday Oct. 2nd: It was busier I sold a few more books and had great conversations with people I knew and people I just met I also enjoyed people watching with everyone in costumes. We stayed until almost 9 pm.

Sunday Oct. 3rd: That was the last day and It was busy with people buying everything they wanted from the first day before they left. I ended up selling the most books that day, which helped me beable to pay for my badge and table for next year. that day we had to be packed up and gone by 4 pm. which we were. Before we left we said goodbye to everyone, then we went home.

All in all it was a great weekend and I sold a total of 15 book, 14 physical and 1 e-book. I am going to have book 2 out by the end of the year. so I will have it for next year, and I have the time I need to get all the swag and banner I need for book 2.

I need to get going I have to go do mom stuff

happy reading

happy writing


  1. As your one and only ebook buyer let me say it was great meeting you and your husband.

    1. It was very nice meeting you as well
      Sorry for the late reply, it has been very busy here


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