When you lose motivation

 Before I start I want to apologize for the lack of post but life has gotten really hectic. I will do better from now on.

  I wanted to write about when you lose the motivation to create. I believe everyone hits a point where life seem to get in the way of creating, or you just don’t know why but you can’t get motivated.

I believe it is ok to take a break if you are not motivated to create but don’t take a long break. Then there are time you have to push through the unmotivatedness ( is that a word?) even if what you create is not the best you are creating at least.

  I am writing this to let you know you are not a failure if you hit a point were you are not motivated to create. You will create again sometimes you need to find inspiration to create. Sometimes you have to force the inspiration to find you. 

It will be hard sometimes but you will get through it. You just need to have faith in yourself.

I am off to deal with some life issues then try to get some writing done.

Happy reading 

Happy writing 


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