If you want it you must work hard to get it

 And when I say you have to work hard for I’m not talking about an item like a toy or a new car well yeah new car. But I mean your dream, do you want to be a bestseller? Do you want to be a awesome artist? Do you want to be the CEO of your own company? 

If this is something you want you, honestly have to work hard for  it. You can’t just say this is what I want and have bought it and not actually do the work. You have to work really really hard to get where you want to be. Me, I want to be at least a decent selling author which means I have to work my bottom off to get where I want to be. I write every day, I promote every day. I am actually doing the synopsis and trying to get images of what I would like my next book cover to look like. I’m doing everything I need to on top of trying to save money because it cost to get artwork for your book done. I’m trying to do everything in my power to get myself ready. So I am there ready with the person says OK I need images, here boom images. This is what I want can you do something like this. When I go to upload this and it says hey I need a synopsis boom the synopsis. You  have to really work hard to get where you wanna be and yes I know it’s extremely hard but dang it you have to do it to get where you want to be do and you have to work to keep it. Nothing will be handed to you, none of it will be easy. It’s going to be hard, you’re going to be discouraged. You’re  going to get to the point where you’re overwhelmed and you want to give up. Don’t give up, keep working, keep going, you will make it I promise. 

I just thought it be best if I did this blog because I’ve had people going “I don’t have time.”  Yes you do, you have all the time in the world to do this. But you have to make it, you have to make the time to write a book. You have to make the time to research what you want to do. If you have a 15 minute break at work do your research, write if you want to be a writer, sketch if you want to be an artist. When you’re at home and you get everything done that you need to do at home and you have an hour before you absolutely have to be in bed. spend that hour working towards your dream.

I know it’s hard, but nothing worth having comes easy.

Now that I’ve said that it’s time that I go and I work hard to get where I want to be

happy reading

Happy writing


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