Fighting for your dream

   As some of you if not all the ones who read this know I have been fight hard for my dream of being a famous author. I still am fighting but so far have no reached it. I know there is the chance I will not make it but there is also a chance I will make it. So I fight for my dream, I set small goals to help me reach my dream. I meant one goal I have a book published one I had been working on for way longer then most thought I should have been. The book is New Life By The Full Moon, I am still working on the goal to make enough money to pay for the editing of my books. With Covid-19 it has become harder to sell my book since all the events I was planning on this year were canceled. 

 But I haven’t given up I still promote my book every way I can on line. I talk to people when I am out on the rare occasion about my book and my writing. I give out business cards when I can. I continued to work, I worked on getting the second book in the series edited Life By The Blood Moon. But have to save the money to get it published just like I did the last one, through a hybrid publisher. I am also writing untitled book 3 in the series.

  I am not saying it is easy, no I am telling you the complete opposite it is extremely hard. There were times I wanted to give up and many times I almost did. What stopped me from quitting on my dream you may be asking. My hubby telling me he will always support me in my dreams whatever they may be. The look I get from my kids when they ask me how many words are in my book and I tell them over 50,000. The fact my daughter wants to be a writer as well. “Just like mom” as she tells others. My mother in law who enjoys reading what I write and is my beta reader and personal editor for grammar and punctuation. My friends who get excited about my accomplishments in writing. The ones in my life who buy my book because they refuse to let me give it to them. Even if they never read it. They want to be able to say I am friends with the author.

  This doesn’t go just for writers this goes for anyone who has a dream, you have to fight for it and believe me it will not be an easy fight but it will be worth it when you reach your dreams. It’s time for me to go get back to working towards my dreams.

Happy reading 

Happy writing 


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