Archon has been postponed and school is starting.

    Archon 44 has been postponed until October of 2021, this is a bummer I look forward to going to archon every year. but I understand why and it is for the best. I am trying to stay positive and basically use the time until Archon in 2021 to get book 2 published and get the swag to go with it. So I am  more prepared. With everything going on in the world I don't think there will be any conventions for the rest of the year.

    But it is hard on my book sales since I sold more at Archon last year than I have just promoting my book on line. I am trying to find new ways to sell my books but without people reviewing my book its hard to get the word out. I know there are ways to get reviews but I refuse to pay for reviews. That feels like cheating to me and I want to do this through my hard work. 

    I know I am not the only person hurting due to the pandemic. I know other small businesses that depend on cons and craft/vender fairs are having the same problems I am. All we can do is try to find new ways to get sales and pray this ends sooner rather than later but we have to keep moving forward.  

    I am doing everything I can to stay positive and keep moving forward with my writing. like I did all the edits my editor gave me thus far. while I am waiting to hear back from her I am working on book 3 and a new story that is in a different world then my Werejaguar books. 

    I also still have to be mom and help get my daughter ready to start school (she is a junior in high school this year). the school district where we live is starting school in a hybrid learning plan. this means every Monday, and depending on where the kid's last name lands in the alphabet they will either go Tuesday and Thursday (A-L), or Wednesday and Friday (M-Z). The other two days are also remote learning, But this can change to fully remote learning or fully in person. Minus Mondays they will always be remote learning this year. Some parents have decided to do fully remote learning for their kids, because they are worried about sending their kids to school. I understand and I am not judging, please don't judge me for my decision I am doing what I feel is best for my child.

    Yes this effects everything in my life but that is something I will deal with and work out what works best for me and my family. that includes my writing schedule.  

    I understand some of you don't want to know or care about my personal life and I get it but like most working parents their personal life effects their work life and vise versa. I write about both so other creatives with families know they are not alone and this is happening in my life aswell.

now I will get back to my writing I hope you all have a good day.
happy reading 
happy writing


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