Working on edits and being a mom

Hello all,

  I have been busy the past few weeks working on edits with my editor. I also have been busy with mom stuff During this pandemic . So I figured I would give you a glimpse of my life. 

  The past few weeks I took my daughter to do behind the wheel for driver’s education. Normally it would not stress me out but I was worried about the fact my daughter had to wear a mask with two other people in a car. But everything is fine she is fine. Then it’s was dentist and dr. Appointments. The dentist appointments were in person for both kids. My son’s dr. Appointment was over the phone but my daughter’s dr. appointment had to be in person Yesterday because she needed a couple vaccines. But her appointment got more complicated, do worry she is fine just has to have a few more things done. Since my son has graduated high school, it is just my daughter needing books. That’s something else I needed to do yesterday.

  With all my mom stuff to do I don’t get as much time as I want to work on edits. That’s okay, if my editor didn’t understand I have other responsibilities I would not be working with her. I enjoy being a mom and writer. It took me years to find a good balance between the two, but with the pandemic my stress level is super high. So I have had to find ways to release the stress so I am doing crafts I love. I am making time at night to craft so I am not a bundle of nerves all the time.

  I know not everyone cares about my life other than me being a writer. But I started this blog to show others there are ways to work full time, be a parent, and still be a writer. It just takes more organization and discipline to do it. I hope all my blogs have helped someone.

I need to get back to edits.
Happy reading 
Happy writing 


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