Social distancing while being a wife, mother, and writer

  As you all know we are dealing with a pandemic right now. I thought I would let you have a small peak in to my life social distancing being a mom of two teens who are home. And how I am getting any writing done. Along with everything else I need to do around my house.

   As of March 17th my kids have been home from school ( doing e-learning) and will be home until at least April 7th. Which is hard to deal with because not only did the kids daily schedules changed but so did mine. We all still get up early in the morning, do the things that need to be done( taking care of our pets, brush hair, eat breakfast, brush teeth). Then the kids do school work that their teachers send them from 8am until at least 1pm in some cases longer Monday thru Friday. I get the normal household chores done while they do their school work. Then I try and write but it does not always work. I sometimes don’t get to write until they are busy doing their own things or when they are asleep.

  To stay healthy we still work out Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Since the gyms are closed we do what we can here at home, we have an elliptical exercise machine, hand weights and resistance bands we use. We also go for walks if the weather is nice. We go grocery shopping still every 2 weeks though we don’t need to get as much stuff since the kids are home. As of today (March 23rd) my hubby will be working from home most of the week until further notice.

   To be honest other than the school, and the gym being closed along with other nonessential places being closed that we would go to from time to time. Our lives have not changed too much, we have always been homebodies. We have always practiced social distancing for a long time before it was called social distancing. We are not stressing that we can’t go to bars or restaurants because we don’t really like big crowds.

   What I tend to stress about is my kids’ schooling, the after school stuff my daughter takes part in, and my son graduating on time. Other then that it’s our normal life.

   I know this is not everyone’s ideal life but if everyone lives like this for a while it will stop the spreading the virus  or at least slow it down. We need to get it to stop so we can get back to our normal life whatever normal is for you.

I know I am not the only one that social distancing is the norm but I know there are a lot of people feeling the stress of social distancing. But I am asking please stay home and when you have to go out be safe. Distancing yourself 6ft from people and wash your hands.

I am off to try to get some writing done while they kids are busy.
Happy reading
happy writing


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