A lot of work

I just want to touch base about how much hard work it takes to be a writer to get published. It takes a ton of work it’s not just writing, you have to edit and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite just to get it where it’s good enough to send to An editor and then if you’re lucky you’ll be able to sign on with a decent publisher or an agent. It’s a hard work.

Then after you get published you have to promote. That’s if you go through a state publishing house are you self publish you have to promote your own book and it’s hard and I know it is. I am here doing the same things you are. I’m trying to do things with this blog, Video thing, with the website,  with the newsletter. I am trying to give you advice and shows you that it can be done is just takes a lot of work.  You have to do it this, it’s not something that you can just say “oh I want to be a writer” write one draft of a book and make it. Its  not like that.  No writer in the world has made it in just one month, one year, with one draft, the first draft of their book.

 It takes a ton of edit and rewrite and having beta readers read your stuff and editors rip your book to pieces and it’s going to hurt. You’re going to be tore up and hurt, it will be  like you’re killing your dream. But they’re not, they’re trying to make your dream better, they’re trying to make it so you get to where you want to be. You  have to let them do this and it’s hard and you have to do what they say I need to.

It’s hard to take constructive criticism, is it’s hard to take anybody’s criticism. But you have to be strong and you have to go for what you want, it’s  not just in writing it’s in anything you dream. If you want to be an astronaut do you go work your tail off to be an astronaut, if you want to be a best-selling author you got work your tail off to be a best-selling author. You can’t Treat it only as a hobby you have to treat it like it is a job. Because it is a Job.

I know you’ve heard this before and you’ve heard it from other people, but it’s true you’re hearing it from me. Someone that has a book out and is working her tail off to in everybody’s hands and have it reviewed and maybe one day be a best-selling author. I want to be that point but I’m not there yet and I’m working my tail to get there. I want this to be an encouragement to you Not something to dissuade you from your dream. please follow your dream and work your butt off to get there.

happy reading
happy writing


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