Preparing for Archon

I have been busy with preparing for archon 43 ( ) on top of doing all my writing, rewriting and promoting. I have just about everything I need to sell my books at archon. I am getting really excited because I have always liked going to archon, but now there is this nervousness I am feeling. I have never really sold anything before, and I am not sure how people will receive my book.

I know I have been posting on my social media pages about my book and trying to get the word out about it. But that’s not the same as trying to sell my book to people in person. I know I will do fine and everyone I have talked to that support me has been telling how they think I will do great.

It’s just me trying to do do something outside my comfort zone. I will do good:) and I hope to see some of you at archon this year.

Happy reading
Happy reading


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