Today is the day

Today is my book launch party, and it's one in the morning. I can't sleep, my brain is on overdrive thinking about everything I need to do and what might go wrong. It's driving me nuts, I am excited about today having my book published is a really big deal. I want to share it with everyone today. But I am also really nervous about today. I have never done anything like this before, I have never been able to talk in front of groups of people before. I will be doing that today, along with answer questions possibly doing a reading. The biggest thing for me though is I will be selling my book and doing a signing. This is a huge thing I am doing today, all I can do is pray everything works out. Because there is nothing else I can control other then the things I have already done.

I invited everyone I could, I can't control if any of them will come. I have all the food and drinks( no alcohol) I can't make people eat or drink. I have pads of paper and pens for questions, I can't make them ask questions. I have copies of my books and pens to sign them, I can't make people buy them or want them signed. I have 2 gift baskets to raffle off, I can't make them buy the raffle tickets.
I have my speech, I can't make them listen to it or a reading.

I have everything I think I need for today, I just pray it goes well.

I need to try and sleep

Happy reading
Happy writing


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