I have some news

I got notification that I should have my proof copy no later than Saturday. Which is awesome and I am really excited. But I am also scared to death, I know that getting published is a big deal and I want to be published. But it's the logistics that has me scared. I am worried about how does the taxes work? Do I have to do taxes quarterly or can I do taxes yearly? I don't understand taxes to begain with so who can I trust to do my taxes if it's done quarterly? How will it effect my husband's taxes? Can we still file jointly if I have to do my taxes quarterly?

You see no has explained this to me and I can't find any information on it anywhere I look. I am really starting to think I might have messed up by getting published.

I know it wasn't a mistake but this part is the scariest part for me. I hope you all understand and I just want to be real with you all. So if any of you know the answers to my questions please leave a comment.

Well I think I better to some sleep so I can get my kids off to school in the morning.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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