almost done editing

  I am almost done editing with my editor, which is awesome and scary all at the same time. Its awesome because I will have a polished manuscript. I am excited it means I am one step closer to getting published. I am happy about it I really am, but I am scared too. it means I am moving forward in my dream and I am worried about failing.

  I do have a chance to get published by the same person who owns the editing company. which is great but it cost a bunch of $$$$ and since I am not good at marketing its more $$$$ for a promotion package. when you are an aspiring writer thats something you don't have a lot of. I have looked in to crowd funding but not sure I could do that. I did started a patreon creator page (go to patreon and look up trisha_jones_writer) and see what I am trying to do. I also have a you tube channel and I am posting about writing.

  I have been writing a little on other projects but I have been focusing a lot of time on The Were I Have Become. I know I really want to be traditionally published but I am not sure that is an option right now.

I should get back to writing :)

happy reading
happy writing


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