Rough start to the year, just a quick update post

 This year is starting out kind of rough but most years start rough for me. I am editing book 2 after combining books 2 and 3. I have a start on the new book 3, but I have not worked on it for a little while.  I really messed up my ankle, nothing is broke. So my excerising is on hold for a little while. This weather will not make up its mind it was nice for a few days the colder then hell then nice again.

  My kids are back at school and their dance group is practicing again on mondays( they took the month of December off). So I get some of my writing stuff done then. I am still querying agents got one rejection so far. I wish they would a least give my manuscript a chance. I will continue to write even if no one ever wants to publish my books(but I would really be happy if they would).

  Well that's all the updates right now, I will post more stuff later on as the year goes on.

Happy reading
Happy writing


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