Issues with finding an agent and trying to get published

  As a new writer I am going through the same issues all new writers go through. Hounderds of rejections. I get that what I write not every one wants that's fine but what bothers me is when the agent doesn't even read the query letter and or sample pages.

  I don't normally post about an agent but this one is one that has bothered me the most.
This rejection came fro me Doreen Thistle "Dear Ann,

Thank you so much for your query, but we are going to pass at this time. Unfortunately, the concept and sample pages didn't connect with us as much as we’d hoped. Due to this, we don't believe we are the right agency to champion this piece. Thank you for considering us for your work, and we wish you luck in your writing future.

In your search for the perfect agent, you may want to check out Writer’s Digest Guide to Literary Agents blog. We have found it to be a great resource for finding new agents who are looking to build their lists.

We also encourage writers to gather beta readers and critique partners to help hone your craft; their suggestions can be invaluable. 

Warm regards,

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent Apprentice
Corvisiero Literary Agency"

  I do understand this is not from Doreen herself and I understand she is a busy lady. I do not have an issue with her apprentice responding to me, I have had many agents have their apprentice, or. P. A. Sending me a rejection that's fine agents are busy people. I also am grateful for the advice that was given and the fact I am already doing so that means I am on the right path. And I do use the book that was suggested plus a couple others and an agent search website.

  Now with that said the first issues here is my name is not Ann that's the character's name. If this person read my query they would have known my name is Trisha. The next issue is I sent the query in May! It took them 7 months to send a rejection? I consider a query letter rejected 2 May 3 months after its sent unless other wise stated on the agency's website. The website for the agency Doreen is at said nothing about how long I should wait before considering it a rejection. I am done complaining about an agent.

  The other think I have been thinking about is trying a publishing company I have seen commercials and ads on Facebook for. The company is Newman Spring publishing ( so far I have not seen anything bad but I haven't found out if it costs anything or not. There is nothing on the site that I have seen says, so I requested a free publisher packet I am still waiting for it. I will put an update when I find out what it costs and if I think it's worth it or not.

Now I need to get back to writing
Happy reading
Happy writing


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