Life has gotten in the way again

 I know I have not written a blog post in awhile. I'm sorry, my life has gotten in the way again. I have 2 teenagers who are getting restless and school will be starting in about a month. I am having some personal issues as well but everything will be ok it just will take some time. I have not written anything in a couple week due to my personal issues and I got a new tattoo a week ago today, and it has been a little painful to sit in my desk chair.( the tattoo is on the back of my right shoulder so it hurts to lean my back against the desk chair or any chair)

  Now that the tattoo is a week old it's not as painful to sit in my desk chair, I should be getting back to writing this week. At least until life gets in the way again. I just wanted to let you all know I am still here and plan to stay around for a long time.

Well I am off to get some writing done
Happy reading
Happy writing


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