How I keep track of which agent I queried

I was asked how I keep track of the agents I query. I figured others wonder the same thing so I am writing this post I have a book I write the name of the agent, the date I queried that agent and when I should hear something back if they want to know more. If I get a rejection letter or the date that I should have heard something has past I put rejection under the should hear by date. As you can see I have used this for a few years.
 The book has been around for a while it's pretty beat up from all the uses it has had. I am still using it.
I know what the next question is, "How do you keep track of when you got the query?" I print the rejection letters if the agents send one and put it in a folder, but if not I assume the date I should hear back is the rejection date. 

Now I am not sure if I have said this in another blog, if I have it's worth repeating. I query multiple agents at one time. They only ones I will query alone then wait for their reply are one that say they will not accept queries being sent to other agents at the same time( to be honest there are not many who say that) I do query other agents from the same agency after the agent has rejected it if they do not say they will pass it on to another agent in the agency or all query letters are seen by all agents. I will not query the same agent until it's been more then a year since the last time I queried them.

I hope this blog was helpful to you, if you have any questions please contact me I will answer them the best I can.

Time for me to go
Happy reading 
Happy writing.


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