Music and writing

  I thought I would write about how music helps me write, I know not every write writes with music or the same kinds of music. I know of some writers need it to be quiet for them to write well or some need only the sounds of nature. Some writers write best with classical music playing.

  I personally need a large variety of music to write. I find that some music like heavy metal works best for fight scenes, while romantic songs are good for love scene. But for the between scenes I need to beable to flip through all the music to find songs that work best for what is happening.

  I have tried to write with out it and nothing flows right. I end up deleting a lot of what I write with out music because I took a wrong turn. I don't have different play list for each book. I always use the same music but the song order always changes. Thanks to my husband I have a large music selection to listen to.

  Now I am not saying you have to listen to anything or nothing. But try different sounds and music to see if that works. If using the same music or sounds from one piece of work doesn't work for another find what does. Sometimes it can be a pain trying to figure it out but once you do it will help no matter what it is.

Now I need to get back to my imaginary world
Happy reading
Happy writing


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