Where has the summer gone?

   Summer break is almost over, I have to register my kids for school soon. They start school on August 17th, it's weird my son is going into high school this year and my daughter is going in to 7th grade. They are growing up so fast. I am kind of sad that summer break is almost over, it's the end of sleeping in ( as if I have done that very often anyway) and late nights. But on the up side it ends late night writing and I will go back to my daytime writing schedule.

   I do enjoy not having to get up so early but I don't get much writing done with the kids home. That's ok though I love spending time with them. Once they are back in school I will miss them being here. Also once they start school our week schedule gets a little hectic with school, practice, and other things we need to fit in to every day.

   That being said I can't want to get back to my normal daytime writing schedule. I will be happy not feeling like a vampire only being active (writing) at night. On the note of writing, I have not gotten much writing done on my W.I.P but I did get editing done and added some detail to one of the other manuscripts I have done and started on the other one I have done but not polished yet. I do plan on getting back to my W.I.P with in the next few days. For those who are new to my blog W.I.P stands for work in progress.

  Well I better get going, I need to get some stuff done before my kids get up, we will be in a little bit of a hurry to get morning chores done because the kids have dentist appointments today (just cleanings this time). So I am off I hope everyone has a great day.

Happy reading.
Happy writing.


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