School is almost over

  Tomorrow(May 18th) is my kids' last day of school until mid August. My daughter is a little sad for this year to end. My son is ok with the school year ending. I am glad I will get to sleep in, but I am sad because it means my kids are growing up. My son will start high school in August and my daughter will be in 7th grade. I always feel old when the school year ends and when the new one starts.

     So since the kids will be home during the day my writing time has to shift from during the day to at night. It will take a few days to get used to it but I will be able to do it. I have not really written anything since my hubby lost his brother in law. I will be trying to write as much as I can today and tomorrow while I have time during the day.

  I will try to blog alittle more often but not sure it will work.

Well I am off
Happy reading
Happy writing


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