Soon to be summer

    It's almost that time of year again, when my kids are out of school from about the middle of May to the middle of August. 

   This is when my writing time goes from during the day to during the night. The reasons for the time switch is because one my kids have the wonderful timing to need something while I am having a really good writing session. Two because during the time the kids are out of school we have a lot going on between family day trips, dance performances, and just normal summer activities. 

   My writing is going a little slow due to having a double ear infection and have had awful headaches. But I am writing as much as I can. I was hoping to have good news to blog about but I have not gotten a request for my manuscript and no acceptance from an agent or publishing house. But I am still trying to find an agent, I want to be traditionally published one day, I just hope it's soon.

   I also want to thank you all who read my blog, you give me hope that when I do get published I will have an audience for my books.

   Well I better get to my writing while I have time
Happy reading
Happy writing


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