The cold has come

Today has been really cold and kind of windy, so we had to bundle up to go to the bus stop this morning. I have spent most of my day wrapped up in my fuzzy throw to stay warm while I read or wrote. Until I had to bundle back up to go wait for my kids at their bus stop( actually near their actual bus stop they don't want their friends to see me waiting for them after school) and I was reminded how hard it is to turn the pages of a book with gloves on. This evening has been a cozy kind of evening where everyone has been reading or quietly playing games.

The rest of this week into next week will be just as cold if not colder than today. This weekend the weather people have said the evil "s" word will be falling. The evil  "s" word is snow, we are not looking forward to snow not yet.

Well I guess I better go get some cuddles from my kids before the decide to hide in their rooms before bed.

Happy reading
Happy writing


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