Writing advice

  I am not sure if I ever really told you all the writing advice I have been given over the years. So today I have decided that I would try to list all the advice I have gotten share a link to a post I think is really good advice. 
   Let's start with the blog post I read on Laurell k Hamilton's blog here's the link http://www.laurellkhamilton.org/2014/07/new-blog-show-dont-tell/   It gives some very good advice.
Some other advice I have gotten from her is that you will get enough rejections to wall paper your office before you get an acceptation, so don't give up. 

   Now I had some advice which is awesome but I have to say this first. I do not remember who gave me this advice or where I read it so please do not repeat this and say I am the first person to say it. I am not the first person to think of it or say it. 

  Ok here is the advice, just write everyday even if it's on a page, a paragraph, a sentence, a word, just write. I have as been told to write even if it just 15 minutes a day. Never delete anything even if you think it sucks really bad, you might need it later or for another story.

   Back up your work in at least 3 places and that's on different computers/ hard drives/ on line servers/ CDs. I personally save my work on at least 6 different places  because I had computers, and hard drives crash. I had CDs messed up in so many ways it's not funny. So I am really careful and save my writing in every way I can. 

  Nothing is stupid it's just not polished yet. A rough drift is just that rough, let it be rough until you have it finished or as finished as that part of the story will be then go thru and make it better. When it is finished let it sit for at least a week but longer is better, while it's siting work on another story. When it sat for awhile edit, then edit again, and again till you think it's perfect then edit it again. 

  These is just some of the advice I have gotten over the years. I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me :) 

I am off to go write
Happy reading
Happy writing


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