Writing, book sales, and life

   Life has been a little hectic here, school will be ending soon (the 28th), I have been working on my new hedgehog cage for when I get a new hedgehog. So something's got put off for a little while.

  I finally got some writing done but not on my WIP like I was hoping. I was writing some ideas I had just floating around in my head. I'm hoping that will help with my WIP if not I was just try something else.

  I got yet another rejection but that's ok I know there is an agent that will want my novel. I am just happy they replied, some never did.

   I sold to more copies of Nirvash, a Vampire's Tale so I think the total is up to 35 books sold since I self published it lol.

Well I need to get the kids ready for supper at my mom inlaw's
Happy reading
Happy writing


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