Sadness and writing do not work well together

Well this week has not been great, after the emergency vet visit Monday and getting meds to possibly help my hedgehog. I had to take her to a special hedgehog vet Wednesday because the meds did not seem to be helping. She could not get to her food and water so I was feeding her chicken baby food and syringe feeding her water every few hours. After the vet was told about my hedgie's symptoms and told what meds she was on with no change for the good the vet determined that it was wobbly hedgehog syndrome(WHS) and the kindest thing to do would be to put her to sleep. So with a sad heart I held my little hedgehog while she was given the meds to stop her heart. I cried a lot that day, I still cry some everyday. But my family and I have decided that we are going to get another hedgehog soon to help heal our hearts and the emptiness of our home. We are not replacing her she can never be replaced.

As for my writing I am attempting to get back to writing today. I just don't know how much I will get done.

I better get going
Happy reading
Happy writing


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