How writing is effecting the world for me

  I have been reading and doing research on writing and what other writers have done. In my research I read about some writers find it relaxing and helps with stress and others say it causes stress and drama in their lives and they love every minute of it. I found myself thinking about how writing is effecting my life and my family's life. I enjoy writing I always have, I do find that if I am stressed that writing helps me relax. But on the other hand my writing has caused a lot of stress drama in my life but that's ok. It's ok because my writing is my own little world and everyone I write about are my friends and family. Everyone has stress and drama with friends and family once in awhile, and if I have friends in my world that are nothing but drama and stress I end the friendship like I do in my ral life.

  I also found that my bad moods can royally screw up my writing (I know 'well duh') and I have to find ways to put myself in a better mood to be able to write. I also need to find ways to keep the real world events and environment from messing up my good moods. Which can be hard when it's raining out or like this winter always being cold and overcast out which keeps most people inside (I am one stuck inside). To help with this on nice days that I can get outside I do, on days I can't get outside I try to play upbeat music and just try to find my happy place.
  Me being a writer does effect my family, tho my family is very supportive of my following my dream. I do try to write most of the time while my kids are at school and hubby is at work. But that does not always work, I write everyday so there are times I am writing when they are home. I do take time to be with my family, they do understand I have to take sometime everyday to write. So when they are busy doing their own things when they are off school and work, I use that time to write so I don't miss out on stuff with them.

  I think it's time I stop writing here and get writing on my wip.
Happy reading
Happy writing


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