
It's not super cold out but it is cold, so the kids and I had to be bundled!!!!! Up!!!! To go out to the bus stops. It is 28 degrees out right now which is better and for some reason I have had a sinus headache since yesterday. So needless to say writing has not been going so well, I know I need to rest and see if I can get rid of this damn headache.

In other news(I have always wanted to say that lol) I and done with the edits of TWIHB( it's the first letter in each word of the working title) and formatted it so it's correct. I formatted TWIHB book 2 and I have over 30,000 words done so far on that one. I am work thru some awful scenes but they are important to the story. I need to do some research to make sure everything is right in some of the scenes I was not sure how to write.

Well I am off to see if a warm shower will help my head
Happy reading
Happy writing


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