Writer's block

Which is what it say the writer is trying too hard to write and makes the muse stop working with the writer. I am thinking to hard and trying to force the writing. So I am blocking myself and making my muse stop working with me. I am taking a break, I am just going to relax and get myself out of my own way and allow my muse to lead the way again. I am hoping to finish this novel by November so I can work on my nanowrimo novel with out interruptions of the characters from this book. At least I hope they don't but you never know.

I have also been reading over some critiques I have gotten for my last book and trying to work out the issues it has that I feel is ok for me to change with out really changing the flow of the manuscript too much. I think I need a fresh pair of eyes to look at it for me, but it has to be someone I really trust to read it and give an honest opinion.

I am going to get some lunch now I hope everyone has a great day
Happy reading
Happy writing


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