It's Friday again:)

Yesterday evening went well, we had dinner with my mother inlaw and we had a lovely time with her. We all went to bed not long after we got home (we got home around 8:00p.m.)  which was not so great since I was up really early this morning. Which I used it to check the normal stuff on line then started writing but I ended up rewrite a few pages before I actually made any progress. This is the life of a writer.

The only reason I stopped just now was because I was not paying attention to the charge on my laptop and it about died. So I saved my work shut it down and put it on charge.

Now it's thundering out so we may be getting rain soon. Well I am going to get something to drink and relax until hubby gets home to do the dinner thing :) 

I hope you all have a great day 
Happy reading 
Happy writing


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