Welcome to my blog

Hello just to give you a little info on me. I am a stay at home mom of 2 great kids my son is 11 my daughter is 9. Both of them think it is great that mom writes stories. You will see my spelling is not great. I depend on spell check and my friends, family to double check my spelling

I have been writing off an on since I was in high school most of what I wrote till about 6 years ago was short stories and some poems. I have for the last 6 years and still plan on writing has been novelette to novel length stories. 

I do have one book out 
I self published it last summer and it is a stand alone book I have another one that needs to be edited. I am writing the sequel to the one that needs editing both are/will be novel length.

Here is the description of my novelette 
Supernatural creatures exist; they face discrimination and fear of annihilation. Nirvash along with her friends and lovers must team up with every supernatural creature to stop the were-bear, Bert Xavier, who killed off Nirvash's whole nest. When humans are being killed by Bert Xavier, they have to stop him before he further alienating the vampires. Since all of were-kind is on the verge of being discovered, the stakes are high for both the werecreatures and vampires. Nirvash must keep the ones she has come to love safe from him. In the mean time Nirvash falls for not one man but two.

Well that's all I can say right now soon I will have to go from writer to mommy because my kids are calling me I will try to post a blog daily.


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