

 January was a very long month, it seemed to take forever. I did get stuff done last month. I am sorry I didn’t make this post sooner. I was working on getting everything done and together for the event I took part in on February 8th. I will go into it in the February newsletter/ blog.   I took part in a weekly writing prompt from hold my pen promptcast. Julie Defisher started last year. I have added to the list of wips I need to work on. I wrote on a few wips I need to get done.i am trying to get a backlog of manuscripts at different stages of the editing, formatting, and publishing stages. Mainly so I don’t feel rushed to finish the books I am writing.   I made more buttons/pins for February 8th, and I ordered author copies at the beginning of January. I was told they would be here January 24th. Then it was moved to the 6th of February, after like 5 chat conversations I got them on the 7th of February. That was last Friday and the day before my event, and we’r...

December recap

 Hi everybody, I thought I would just post the recap for December and something that I’ve been thinking about lately now December I wasn’t super busy with events.  I had one event at the beginning of the month that did not go as well I was as I was hoping. But I did sell a couple books. I have been writing more, but most of my writing has been on these writing prompts for this month, but I am still writing. I did re-release a book called Nirvash, A Vampire‘s Tale. It’s going OK, I’ve sold a few copies. I am promoting everything as much as I can. It’s only been about a week. Now to what I’ve been thinking about lately. I’ve been thinking about the fact that there are people out there who think they’ve lost their chance to create to write to draw whatever And I saw something in a video just now that reminded me that I haven’t given up on my dream. Everyone who has a dream shouldn’t give up on it even if they’ve had to put it aside for a short time or a long time. The best exampl...


 November was a quiet month, I did some writing on some on going W.I.P.s and some newer ones. I didn’t have any events planned for the month. The most exciting thing was an issue with my mother in-law’s stove.   The on going W.I.Ps are book 4 of my Ann Smith series it’s about 40,000 words and I am hoping it’s the last one in the series. I am working on formatting Nirvash, A Vampire’s Tale for re-release I am hoping to have it out by the end of  December. I am working on Lovebug’s story to have it out sometime next year. The newer ones are not titled yesterday but most of them have a few hundred to a thousand words each. But I am hoping to get them out in the next few years.   Now the most exciting thing being issues with my mother in-law’s stove. The weekend before thanksgiving her oven stopped working. My husband took her out to get a new one, and it was supposed to be delivered the Wednesday before thanksgiving. It wasn’t delivered, and to this day it’s still not b...


      October was an interesting month, the first weekend I was at Archon 47, and I made 10 sales and was a panelist at like 5 panels. It was a really fun weekend; I met lots of awesome people. I have been working on getting Nirvash, A Vampire's tale ready to be published hopefully by the end of the year.  so, I was working on everything for that. I added 3 to 4 works in progress in October.      Archon 47 was the only event I had in October I made the 10 sales which is not the amount I had hoped but it was good. I believe that my panel schedule was not conducive for making book sales. I have decided that I will not be a part of panels next year to see if my theory is correct. I got to talk to a lot of awesome authors and artist that weekend.     Nirvash, A Vampire's tale has been edited and I have just finished the work on the book cover today. I am hoping to get ARCs out soon. there isn't much else to do before getting it published, which s...


       This month has not been as busy as the last few months have been. But it has been stressful, I have spent this month getting ready for Archon 47. On top of trying to get as much writing done as I could. I am also trying to get Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale ready for re-release at the end of the year hopefully.     Let's start with getting everything ready for Archon 47, normally it's not too hard for me to do. But this year I changed the cover on New Life By The Full Moon and had to get new bookmarks, stickers, and a new banner along with getting copies of the book with the new cover. Because of the new cover all the ones with the original cover are now limited editions. So, I signed those put them into protective bags (not sure what else to call them). Some went into book boxes with whatever swag I had with the original cover image on them. Then started making swag with the new cover image on them, which I am still working on. but I am on track to get e...

August this far

      August this far has been okay; I got some writing done on a few different I did go to an event in Nashville Tn. that event didn't go as I thought it would. We ended up being up over 24 hours. The next event I have is in October.     I was working on mostly book 4 of my Ann Smith series, but I did do so writing on so other random story ideas that I am not sure are going anywhere but needed to get out of my head. I am also working on re-releasing Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale by the end of the year and possibly Lovebug's story, a companion story to Nirvash. I put New Life By The Full Moon, Life By The Blood, and Life By The Blue Moon back on Kindle Unlimited.     I went to the Black Hearts event in Nashville TN, it didn't go as I thought it would have. I got to talk to lots of people and lots of people who seemed interest in my books and took my business card. I made a sale for my first book and did a couple book trades. I got to meet up with A...


       This month has been okay, so far this month the audiobook of New Life By The Full Moon is out and Life By The Blood Moon is up for auditions. I also changed the cover of New Life By The New Moon. then there is the event I was just a vendor at the other day.     The audiobook for New Life By The Full Moon went live on July 11th, and I already sold a copy. I am really happy its out but also kind of sad because the narrator didn't want to do the whole series after saying she would, but that is her decision.      Life By The Blood Moon is out for auditions, so far only one audition but I am waiting to see if I get any others. I will be asking even before we start if they with do both books and possibly a third.     Finally, I decided to change the cover of New Life By The Full Moon, I wanted it to go with my other covers. so now it will fit in better. I also designed the bookmarks and stickers so that as I can, I will be ordering...