Feeling discouraged but determined

  I am not sure how many of you are aspiring writers or artist, and I'm not sure  how many that are in the situation I am in. You see I am a stay at home mom, and any money that hubby brings in from him working goes to the bills, food and things our kids need. There are time we have a little money that we can splurge a little. But it's not enough for getting my manuscripts professionally edited. I did find an editor I would like to have edit my work but I don't have enough. I am also still looking for an agent but not much luck.

I also try to be upbeat and encouraging of other writers and artists. But on days like this where I am feeling discouraged and down I find it hard to be upbeat. I know there are hundreds of writers and artists that feel like this so I know I am not alone in how I feel. I do plan on continuing to write, trying to get an agent, and saving up for an editor to edit my work.

I'm sorry this blog post is not my more encouraging posts but I feel that you all need to hear about how I am a real person and I get down and discouraged like everyone else. Well I better get back to my writing

Happy reading
Happy writing


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