August this far

     August this far has been okay; I got some writing done on a few different I did go to an event in Nashville Tn. that event didn't go as I thought it would. We ended up being up over 24 hours. The next event I have is in October.

    I was working on mostly book 4 of my Ann Smith series, but I did do so writing on so other random story ideas that I am not sure are going anywhere but needed to get out of my head. I am also working on re-releasing Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale by the end of the year and possibly Lovebug's story, a companion story to Nirvash. I put New Life By The Full Moon, Life By The Blood, and Life By The Blue Moon back on Kindle Unlimited.

    I went to the Black Hearts event in Nashville TN, it didn't go as I thought it would have. I got to talk to lots of people and lots of people who seemed interest in my books and took my business card. I made a sale for my first book and did a couple book trades. I got to meet up with Author Micca Micheals and her P.A. Becky Hodges. That was great and got to have dinner with them. I'm not saying it was a bad event, but it was not the right event for me. It was more of dark romance event, and I don't write romance of any kind.

    the day started good, and we got to the event, had dinner after the event, then on the way home we had so car issues and ended up having to be towed home. we didn't get home till the wee hours of the next morning. we ended up being awake for over 24 hours, that was a really long day.

    So now I get about a month and a half to work on writing and trying to get some other swag I need to get. the next event I will be at is Archon Oct. 4th, 5th and 6th. I will be selling by books and doing panels. since I changed the cover of New Life By The Full Moon I will be making up some limited-edition boxes of the original cover with all the swag that goes with it.  I am also trying to figure out some other swag to have at my table. 

I need to get back to work I hope you all have a great day

happy reading

happy writing


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