
     This month has not been as busy as the last few months have been. But it has been stressful, I have spent this month getting ready for Archon 47. On top of trying to get as much writing done as I could. I am also trying to get Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale ready for re-release at the end of the year hopefully.

    Let's start with getting everything ready for Archon 47, normally it's not too hard for me to do. But this year I changed the cover on New Life By The Full Moon and had to get new bookmarks, stickers, and a new banner along with getting copies of the book with the new cover. Because of the new cover all the ones with the original cover are now limited editions. So, I signed those put them into protective bags (not sure what else to call them). Some went into book boxes with whatever swag I had with the original cover image on them. Then started making swag with the new cover image on them, which I am still working on. but I am on track to get everything done this week.

    I am also doing 5 panels and a book signing at Archon, I have gotten the schedule for that. i am going to be getting my table assignment before the end of the week. as soon i  know where i will be i will make an announcement on my social media. 

    Now the writing is going OK, I have almost 40,000 words in book 4 of my Ann Smith series which is awesome. The only downside is I write in a notebook first then transcribe everything into the document on my laptop. I also have about 9 more W.I.Ps from random ideas my muse wants me to write. I don't think I will ever run out of things to write at this point. Though I do find my concentration on any one story not being very good due to many real-life things that are going on. Everything is fine, it is just a bit stressful right now.

    I have rewritten Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale and I am now working on trying to get a new cover made for it. I am finding it a bit of a challenge because I want it to be different from my Ann Smith series but still my style. I will figure it out and will hopefully have it out at the end of the year or the beginning of next year. I did have an interview/reading of the first chapter on CSI Cold Reads on TikTok on the 20th. it was fun and I enjoyed hearing it read out loud.

    I believe that is everything for September, I will keep you all updated on Archon 47, and everything about my writing/publishing on my socials. 

Happy reading 

Happy writing


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