I am excited!!
I have some wonderful news I’m going to have a table at Archon this year. I am so excited I just had to share with you. I’m going to be at table 29 so please come see me. I’m going to put the link for archon and the links for my book so you can find me and everything. I’m just super excited I know this is a short blog but I just wanted to share the happy news yay. Achon 43 https://archonstl.org/ my sites please check them out. amazon.com/author/trishajones http://www.goodreads.com/Authra www.twitter.com/authra http://authramaiden1979.wix.com/trisha-jones http://trisha-jones-writer.blogspot.com werejaguar, #moon, #supernatural, #love, #scifi, #Fantasy, #urbanfiction, #writer, #fullmoon, #catpeople, #author, #TrishaJones Ebook https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MRHJ2L8 Print https://www.amazon.com/dp/0692199381 I need to get back to writing Happy reading Happy writing