

       This month has not been as busy as the last few months have been. But it has been stressful, I have spent this month getting ready for Archon 47. On top of trying to get as much writing done as I could. I am also trying to get Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale ready for re-release at the end of the year hopefully.     Let's start with getting everything ready for Archon 47, normally it's not too hard for me to do. But this year I changed the cover on New Life By The Full Moon and had to get new bookmarks, stickers, and a new banner along with getting copies of the book with the new cover. Because of the new cover all the ones with the original cover are now limited editions. So, I signed those put them into protective bags (not sure what else to call them). Some went into book boxes with whatever swag I had with the original cover image on them. Then started making swag with the new cover image on them, which I am still working on. but I am on track to get everything done th

August this far

      August this far has been okay; I got some writing done on a few different I did go to an event in Nashville Tn. that event didn't go as I thought it would. We ended up being up over 24 hours. The next event I have is in October.     I was working on mostly book 4 of my Ann Smith series, but I did do so writing on so other random story ideas that I am not sure are going anywhere but needed to get out of my head. I am also working on re-releasing Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale by the end of the year and possibly Lovebug's story, a companion story to Nirvash. I put New Life By The Full Moon, Life By The Blood, and Life By The Blue Moon back on Kindle Unlimited.     I went to the Black Hearts event in Nashville TN, it didn't go as I thought it would have. I got to talk to lots of people and lots of people who seemed interest in my books and took my business card. I made a sale for my first book and did a couple book trades. I got to meet up with Author Micca Michea


       This month has been okay, so far this month the audiobook of New Life By The Full Moon is out and Life By The Blood Moon is up for auditions. I also changed the cover of New Life By The New Moon. then there is the event I was just a vendor at the other day.     The audiobook for New Life By The Full Moon went live on July 11th, and I already sold a copy. I am really happy its out but also kind of sad because the narrator didn't want to do the whole series after saying she would, but that is her decision.      Life By The Blood Moon is out for auditions, so far only one audition but I am waiting to see if I get any others. I will be asking even before we start if they with do both books and possibly a third.     Finally, I decided to change the cover of New Life By The Full Moon, I wanted it to go with my other covers. so now it will fit in better. I also designed the bookmarks and stickers so that as I can, I will be ordering books and swag. I am getting everything changed o


 This June has been going well. I am having my books being made into audiobooks right now New Life By The Full Moon is in that process. I had a couple of events this month. and I am working on so many w.i.p.s  I am hoping to get some of them finished at least the first drafts if not finished to be published. First, I will talk about the audio books. I started the process at the end of May and will hopefully have New Full By The Full Moon will be done at the end of June. the narrator is wanting to do all 3 books in this series. I am so very happy that this narrator is working out so well.  the two events I had were small and not super busy, so I only sold a few books, but I had fun talking with the other vendors. I do not have any other events this month my next event is July 13th. the next event should be busier. Now the I have at least 5 going right now. One is the 4th book in my Ann Smith series, one is the vampire story I wrote years ago, and the companion story to the vampir


  So far May is going well, my first event this month was on the 4th, it went well I sold 11 books and got to talk to interesting people. my next event is on May18th, it is taking place in Maryville IL. I am doing this event for the first time; I am hoping it is a good event for me.     I have been working on redoing my vampire book which was pulled from print years ago the title is still Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale. I finished up doing the self-edit and adding some details all on paper. I need transcribe it to the document on my laptop. I am going to try and get it out by the end of the year so i can possibly get Lovebug's life story out the following year.   I don't have a whole lot more to say at this time. I hope you all have a great day happy reading  happy writing

April so far

      April so far is going well; I have been getting some writing done. I also have been trying to do more to promote my books. I have also done one event so far this month (April 13th), I have another one this coming weekend (April 21st). I sold seven books at this last event two sets of all three books that are currently out, and one of the first book (New Life By The Full Moon).      I have been working on book four of the Ann Smith series which I believe is the last book of the series. I have also been working on rewriting my vampire book Nirvash, a vampire's tale. along with that book I am writing a companion book about Lovebug, the vampire kitten's life.       I have been doing the normal promoting stuff, like scheduling posts on my social medias. I have also started a reading group but it's not going well so far. But I am hopeful it will get better. I am looking into getting some other kinds of swag to possible help get the word out about my books. Oh, I almost forg

So far this March.

 I have only done one event at the beginning of the month. It was a first event for the hosts, so there is room for improvement. It was not really that bad. I made 4 sales which was pretty good.   I have been writing on a new story that is tied in to a vampire book I unpublished because it needs a lot of work. But it going well, I also have been working on book 4 of my Ann Smith series. I am still unsure if I will publish it. To help with my writing I have been taking part in some writing sprints with other authors. I find it helpful especially when I have a question on wording.  My next event is April 13th at the Highland Illinois knights of Columbus. It is with a host I have worked with before so it should be a good event.  I know this is kind of short but I haven’t had a whole lot to update you all on. Hopefully the will be more to update you on. Happy reading  Happy writing