
Showing posts from 2013

Today 12/27

I got 3chapters of my edits done I am taking a break right now. I will be working my edits more later after I get my headache gone. Other then writing today I have been spending time with my great kids.  We have a holiday party tomorrow night for the group my kids are a part of. Not much else will be happening this weekend. Happy reading Happy writing


Now that Christmas is done for another year I can get back to writing. A little writing as long as my kids will allow me to lol. They have been very good about letting me write for a little while during the day. Right now my son is playing in his room with his remote controlled truck and my daughter is painting some little things she got from Santa. I am off to write abit Happy reading Happy writing

Holiday stuff and writing

Do not go well together, throw in weird weather that causes migraines it's a told flipping mess. I was trying to write but nothing was turning out right. So I took a break, I ended up falling asleep for a little while. I woke up with a migraine from hell, needless to say there was no more writing done today. It's almost ten pm I need to try to get some sleep so I can get my kids to school in the morning. Night all Happy reading Happy writing

What a cold day

Today started off at 8 degrees and I had to take my kids out in the cold. So I brought a blanket and we cuddled up under it all bundled up to stay warmer while we waited for their school buses. I am finding it hard to write when I can't seem to get warm. I hate being cold, if I could live where it got no colder then 60 degrees and no warmer then 75 I would be very happy lol I guess I better get going and try to write Happy reading Happy writing

Such a cold morning

I took my kids to school in 16 degree weather which is not fun to be out in. Now that my kids are in their warm schools and I am in my nice warm house I will be editing and trying to write once I warm up more. I hope everyone is staying warm Happy reading Happy writing

Snow day

My kids are off school today due to snow. So we are stay nice and warm in our little house, the kids are doing their own things in their room.  I will be writing soon maybe the weather outside will help my creativity. I did get our tree up and got some decorating done on it so my house is starting to get chirstmasy looking Well I am off Happy reading Happy writing

My foggy morning

This morning I woke up to fog outside and it was 45 degrees which is odd for December, but I am going with the flow lol. I got my tree up with the light but I have not gotten it decorated yet I may work on that today. After writing and editing for awhile. By the end of the week I will have the tree all done and we should have some snow. I am off to be productive Happy reading Happy writing

My own work

I am getting back to my own work now that nano is over. I will be trying to get a lot of the edits done and the writing of my wip done before the new year. I just am not sure I will be able to finish it like I was wanting to do, but sometimes things do not work the way you want. Well I am off to write some Happy reading happy writing

End of nano

It does not end til Saturday but I am done I finished at over 60,000 and I will be hiding it from the world due to it sucking soo bad lol. But that's ok not every story I write is any good at all. Today I will be resting. Have a great day Happy reading Happy writing 

Cold November morning

It feels like it's below freezing but it's not, the wind makes it feel colder. After I got my kids to school I did my writing to meet the word count goal for today. Now I am curled up on my sofa under a nice quilt trying to stay warm. I am not feeling so great so most of my day I will be resting. Hope you all have a wonderful day Happy reading Happy writing

Nano at this moment

I am doing ok with my nano novel, I have been keeping up with the word count goals but it is getting hard for me. My creatity engery is running low it like my muse hates this story but I felt the need to get it out of my head. I need to just find a way to replenish my creativity which is not easy when it's cold out. I will find a way to. I am off. Have a great day all Happy reading Happy writing


Today is veteran's day and I am grateful to everyone who served our country. The kids have the day off  from school today. I have explained to them why we have today off and I just hope they understand.  I have spent the morning either staring at a blank screen for nanowrimo or at a blank screen for my latest novel length story. Today has been one of those day where my mind is not on my writing. I have too many other things on my mind. I think I need someway to replenish my creative juices which is not always easy for me on days like this. I hope everyone has a good day Happy reading Happy writing

Week 2 of nano

So far so good I have been meeting my word goals everyday so far which is not always easy to do but I am trying to keep up. I was wondering if any of you wonder people are taking part in nanowrimo this year?? Happy reading Happy writing


I am taking part in national novel writing month again. So I may not be posting as often as I normally would. I will try to post at least once a week then next month I will be posting more normally. I hope you all will join me in trying to write 50,000 words by the 30thif not I understand. Happy reading Happy writing

Pumpkin pics

Here are the pics I promised the carved one is mine, the mindcraft one is my daughter's, the toothless (the catish looking one) is my son's

The last few days

I have been busy, I helped my kids paint their pumpkins Friday, I helped at a booth at the chili cook off here in town Saturday. Yesterday I had to repainted my kids pumpkins with different paint ( all the paint fell off from the first time) after showers and dinner I carved mine I will get pictures to post later. I will be wirking on editing today and at practice I will try to finish up formatting my manuscripts ( I have to do it by hand since the writing program I have is an older version) I will edit when that is done. I am hoping to get it all done soon to send it to a writer I met at archon. Have a good day Happy reading Happy writing

What has been happening

I have had company since Friday till last night. I have not gotten much writing or editing done but we(my hubby kids our friend and myself) went to a Halloween party Friday night, Saturday we went to Sam's wholesale then dinner with mo in law, Sunday we went pumpkin picking(we got some nice pumpkins). Then Monday thru yesterday was the normal weekly stuff. Today and tomorrow is parent teacher conferences so the kids have no school. Tonight is the ptc with our daughter's teacher and dinner with mom inlaw. Normal stuff. I am trying to write and edit today but it's kinda hard with the kids home. It's time I get back to my writing Happy reading Happy writing

My week so far

This has been kind of a lazy week for me I have not gotten much done writing wise. I guess I have just been kinda off this week. I have not been in my normal upbeat mood, I think lot of my mood is due to the weather and the fact my birthday was Tuesday. I am going to try to get so work done on my writing today. Have a great day Happy reading Happy writing

Rainy day

Today it's raining and it is my birthday. Yup I am a year older today and the sky is crying lol. I plan on napping and writing til the kids get home. Just normal routine stuff for me. I hope everyone has a good day Happy reading Happy writing

Rainy day

Today we are getting some needed rain, the plan for today is going to a BBQ at the chiropractor's office. Then running some errands before coming home. When I get home I will be working on my manuscript that got critiqued last Saturday. Today will be a busy day, now I am off to get my day started. Have a great day Happy reading Happy writing

Another busy day

Yesterday was a really busy day with dr appointments and meeting for my kids. I did not get any writing done. I plan on working on my writing today, and trying to improve my last finished manuscript that was critiqued at archon last weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful day Happy reading Happy writing


The weekend went well, I got lots of good advice on writing and some not so good advice. The whole family had lots of fun, we bought some silly stuff  and stuff we did not need. We all dressed up a little  it was a good weekend. Yesterday my kids went to a birthday party of a friend of theirs from school. They played lazer tag for the first time. They had a blast I am glad they have some kids they can play with. I have some reworking of one of my finished manuscripts to make it better. I will also work on my wip (work in progress) Happy reading Happy writing

This week

Is  going to be a hectic week, today I have spent time trying to write some but I just keep thinking of how much stuff I need to do before Friday. Tonight my kids have practice, tomorrow afternoon my kids are getting a shot :( but they need it to stay healthy. After we get home from the dr's office I will start getting what I need for the weekend together. Wednesday and Thursday will be the same, Thursday evening we will be having dinner with my mom in law. Friday after the kids are off to school( my daughter has grandparents day with grandma) hubby and I will be going to Archon to get all the badges and to go to a couple panels. Then we will get the kids, after homework we all will be going up as a family to Archon. I will give you all updates on Archon stuff next Monday. Happy reading Happy writing

A very long busy day

My day started at 5 A.m. to get my kids and all their things together for their performances. The kids got up at 5:45 got them dressed feed and went to where we were meeting the rest of the group by 6:45. We did not leave til 7:45ish drove/rode for almost 3 hours to where they were performing. Then set got them in there outfits they preformed 3 performances. By this time is was about 3 p.m. then everyone got in to their normal clothes and put everything we set up away. We all stop for dinner at a Chinese place. We ended up not getting home til almost 7:45 p.m. It was a long busy day but a really good day. I think it might be an early bed time night tonight. Happy reading Happy writing

The muse hit early today

I woke up thinking of a scene in my wip(work in progress) but as soon as I sat down the muse moved me to write something that had nothing to do with my wip it is for something new and I am unsure what it will become just yet. Yesterday I made some progress on my writing but had to stop to go to my parent's home they need help with a few broken tree limbs that fell. We did visit some before we headed home to get everything ready for today and ready for bed. Today should be a calmer day for us so I should get to write more after the kids get home from school like I wanted to do yesterday. I have to eat now that my kids are at school and hubby is at work. I will be getting back to my wip when I am done eating. Happy reading Happy writing

Public service message for all writers

Save all your writing everywhere you can!!!! This is my advice always save your work in more then one place I found out the hard way years ago and last night I thought I lost it all again last night. I thought I lost all the work I did for the last few days last night. I was in a huge panic when I could not find it anywhere I normally save my writing. I prepared myself to rewrite everything I could remember. Then I looked in a place on my computer I would not normally save it and I found all my work. When I found it I saved it everywhere I normally would I even had my hubby save it to one of his hard drives he has. I am going to get to my writing now Happy reading Happy writing

Writer's block

Which is what it say the writer is trying too hard to write and makes the muse stop working with the writer. I am thinking to hard and trying to force the writing. So I am blocking myself and making my muse stop working with me. I am taking a break, I am just going to relax and get myself out of my own way and allow my muse to lead the way again. I am hoping to finish this novel by November so I can work on my nanowrimo novel with out interruptions of the characters from this book. At least I hope they don't but you never know. I have also been reading over some critiques I have gotten for my last book and trying to work out the issues it has that I feel is ok for me to change with out really changing the flow of the manuscript too much. I think I need a fresh pair of eyes to look at it for me, but it has to be someone I really trust to read it and give an honest opinion. I am going to get some lunch now I hope everyone has a great day Happy reading Happy writing

My weekend so far

My weekend so far has been good, my kids were off Friday so they got a 3 day weekend. Yesterday our trucker driver friend stopped in town long enough for him to spend the afternoon with us which was really nice. We all went to dinner ( hubby, the kids, our friend, and myself) and just hung out until we had to take him back to his truck so he could get to his delivery in Kentucky this afternoon(it is Sunday now). I am up at almost 5:00 a.m. for no other reason then I can't fall back to sleep. So I decided I would get on here to keep all you wonderful people that read my blog which I thank you very much for. As for my writing it's not going as well as I hoped I have been trying to write but little things are distracting me so my attention span kinda sucks. I am hoping that today will be better, well I think I will go curl up with hubby and try to go back to sleep. Happy reading Happy writing

Long day

Today my kids were off school so not much writing got done. I did wash all the bedding and pillows got bed made. Just waiting on hubby's and my pillows to dry. The good that happened hubby came home early. Which was nice till we had a talk about a tank he bought and I have no use for ( it's a fish/ reptile tank) and that burst his bubble.  Now I feel aweful and he has no idea because he is still on his pity pot. Oh well we will both get over it soon enough. Well time to see if the pillows are dry so we can go to bed Happy reading Happy writing

My morning

When I got up this morning when I got on to check my emails after getting my kids to school. I found I got an email from a reviewer by the name of Rachael Rippon saying she reviewed my book Nirvash, a Vampire's Tale on her blog   so I went to see and this is what I found  Book Review: Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale This is her opinion and I encourage you all to get the book and form your own opinions Happy reading Happy writing


The dance yesterday went very well except the fireworks started earlier then they should have cutting the preformance a dance short but that's ok. My kids had a lot of fun, since there was all kinds of stuff we had to do I did not get much writing done. Which is ok I had a good time hanging out with my family and the dancers. I hope everyone had a great weekend Happy reading Happy writing

Friday the 13th

I know a lot of people believe this day is a bad luck day. Well I believe this is one of the luckier days I have always believed this is a good luck day. I also think if you stay positive everyday not just on Friday the 13th you will have a happier life. I have kind of forgotten that for a little while but I remember now and I will try to stay as positive as I possibly can. I hope you all do too :) In my writing I got some done yesterday and a little more this morning before taking a little nap. I will be taking my lap top with me to my chiropractor appointment so I can write while I wait to be seen. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend Happy reading Happy writing


Twelve years ago today one of the worst day in American history happen 4 planes were used to kill so many people. 3 planes hit three important buildings the twin towers and the pentagon. The 4th went down in a field because the brave passengers rushed the cockpit and kept the plane from hitting another populated town. I will never forget where I was this day twelve years ago. I was working nights at the time. When all this happen I was asleep, my husband came home waking me up. He told me what happened. I cried for weeks after everything I cried for all the people that died, I cried for their families. About a month after I found out I was pregnant with my son so I cried for fear of the world I was bringing my child in to. Today I am honoring all the lives lost this day twelve years ago and all the lives lost since to keep us all save and free. I will always remember


Has been a really lazy day, it was raining most of the day. So we did some things inside, right now we are waiting on dinner to finish cooking. Then it's time to get things ready to start another week of work and school. We all will be going to bed at a decent hour so we are all nice and rested for our busy week. After we eat and everything is ready for tomorrow I think I may try to write some before bed. I have been trying to get my query letter done for my most recently finished novel. I am hoping I can get it traditionally published this time. Well dinner is about ready so I will go and have a nice family dinner. I hope everyone has a great evening Happy reading Happy writing

My weekend..... So far

My Saturday has been good spent the day running around and shopping with my family. When we came home we put everything away and we all took a nap.  Then we had supper now we all are doing our own stuff, my kids are in their rooms playing/reading. Hubby is watching the cards playing the pirates( baseball), and I am getting ready to do a little writing after I check a few things on my social media sites. Hope everyone has/ had a great day Napping reading Happy writing

Today's plan

I got my kids to school and now I am waiting on my mother in law. I am going to help her get her 2 very happy and hyper little dogs to the groomer to get their bi yearly hair cut. Then I will be back here so I will be here when my kids get home. While I am waiting I am going to write some, I just am not sure how much I will get done since my kids get off 30 min early today( and every Wednesday). Then the kids and I are going to help my mother in law to get her dogs home. Then I have to make sure when we get home the kids get their homework done, and get showers done before dad( hubby) gets home. Well I better get going, have a great day everyone. Happy reading Happy writing

Labor Day

My Labor Day was very nice, the weather was lovely. Got to spend the day with my in-laws along with my hubby and kids. We bbqed and had fun, we all ate till we were soo full. Today was a really good day. I did not write any today but that's ok I needed a nice day where there was nothing really wrong. I am thinking about writing here in a little bit, after a break since we just got home and I would like to relax a little. I hope everyone had a great day Happy reading Happy writing

Writing lately

My writing lately has not been going so well but I am trying to get back in the writing groove again. I guess my life has had too much drama for me to get the right amount and kind for my writing. I am working on getting myself centered again to help with my writing. I know all this has got to be boring for you but I feel if I tell you all what's going on you will understand me and my writing better. I do have good news the summer anthology I took part in is out so please check it out on my site I have a buy it button linked to where you can buy it. I am off to try and write some, have a wonderful day. Happy reading Happy writing

What a week

This week sucked I said goodby to a good friend he is no longer part of my families life. I got poison ivy, I am on meds for that. I have not had much luck writing this week. The only good thing that happened is the anthology I am a part of has been published you can find a link for it on my webpage along with the Xmas anthology and my own book. I am working on the query letter for the one I finished the edits on the title of it is The Were I Have Become. I hope to get that one published traditionally. I am heading off to bed sleep well everyone Happy reading Happy writing

Yard work sucks

I was working in the yard and some how got poison ivy on my side. I am allergic to poison ivy, oak and sumac so I got a trip to the urgent care to get meds to help clear it up faster. So I got little writing done, I am planing on writing later today. I hope everyone is having a good day Happy reading Happywriting

Today is a bad day

At least it is for me today I said goodbye to a friend I had for years because I am tired of dealing with drama he brought into my life. I have had my fill of drama for a while, I am wishing him well but I wish him to stay away. I do not need my family or myself to hurt anymore because he chooses to allow the woman in his life to cause me and my family distress. So today if writing is done it will be sad or very angry and lots of fighting being done and one character will die before the end of this book. I am going to calm myself abit and try to center myself again Happy reading Happy writing

My very warm Sunday

I woke up with no voice today but I do have it back now kind of ( I still sound kinda gruff or maybe froggy). Today it has gotten to 92-93 degrees(F) today which is really warm. I did not get any writing done but I have spent lots of time with my family which helps my mood. I am hoping to write later tonight but I will write tomorrow. I am hoping everyone had a wonderful weekend and hope everyone will have a great week. Happy reading Happy writing

My plans for the weekend

Today I plan on resting and getting better, but I will be going for a family dinner with my mother inlaw later. I am wanting to try and write later just not sure it will happen. Tomorrow will be more resting and spending time at home with my hubby and kids before another week begins. I hope everyone has a good weekend Happy reading Happy writing

My morning

My day started off fine but I am in a really bad, dark mood for some ungodly reason. So I am trying to find a way to get in a better mood. So far not much has helped but I have hope that I will be in a better mood soon enough. I am going to be writing here in a bit I am hoping to get this novel done by the end of the year. I know this is a short post but I do not want to drag any of you down with my mood.  So I will just say Happy reading Happy writing

An off day

Today I woke up feeling yucky so today I got nothing much done. I still do not feel so well I am thinking it has more to do with allergies then a cold bug or anything. So today is just a day where I rest and relax. Tomorrow should be better and I should be able to write some. I did get the editing done yesterday and I did work on my third novel ( which seems to be going well now). I am off now to get ready to go get my kids from school. Happy reading Happy writing

Beginning of a new week

Today begins week two of school for my kids, and I am hoping this is going to be a good week for me. But so far it's not so good I hurt my ribs on the left side yesterday while kite flying with my kids. They really hurt today, I am beginning to think I cracked or possibly broke a rib. I have not decided if I am going to the dr or not but I am trying not to move too much unless I have to. I am planing on writing here in a bit which means I will not need to move too much :). I am going to take some ibprophen( sp ) and get my butt in my chair to write. Happy reading Happy writing

Kite flying and BBQ

Today we spent the day at a park where there was a dancer fuction today. The kids flew their kites which they got them pretty high up there. Then we bbqed burgers hotdogs pork steaks.all in all it was a good day. Right now we are kind of relaxing before we all take showers and get things together for another week. I may try to write some tonight before bed I might not it all depends on my mood and how tired I am. I better go get some stuff done before the kids take their showers. Happy reading Happy writing

Not a good start to the weekend

Yesterday afternoon into the late night was the most horrible time for me. Lots of issues with people in my life. So I had a really bad night, and got nothing done that I wanted to get done. I woke up today with the worst headache, I got nothing done so far I am hoping I will get some writing done. I am hoping today gets better and tomorrow will be even better. I better get to work on writing maybe it will help my mood. Have a great day Happy reading Happy writing

The end of the first week of school

My kids will be home soon and then it will be the end of the first week of school. This has been a really emotional week for many reasons but we have made it through it. I have done the edits I have gotten so far which is a good sign for me. I will be trying to write while waiting at the chiropractor's office this evening. Maybe I will actually be able to work past this emotional block I have had since last week. I am going to go get some housework done before my kids get home. It is so pretty out I might just do some gardening too. Have a wonderful day Happy reading Happy writing

The blog, my writing, life

I know I have not been posting the most involved posts, and that sometimes I miss a few days. I am trying to post daily but some days there does not seem to be much I can post about. I am sure you do not want to hear about the mundane(sp) day to day stuff that as a mother and wife I do. So I try to only post the bigger stuff (i.e. my kids starting school, about the death of a friend) and about my writing. I am trying to do better and trying to post things that might be mildly interesting for you. I would love you any of you to ask questions about things you would like to know. I will answer them in the blog posting after they are asked. My writing is coming along slowly after what happened to our good friend and fellow dancer. I have been mainly working on some edits I got back but that is slow going as well. But I am making progress. I am going to try to write more today. I may start trying to do some on days like today I am up earlier then I need to be. Our life is very very slow...


Is the visitation for our friend who was killed it the car accident Friday. We are not going because I do not wish my children to remember him that way. I am sending my condolences with the dancers that are going. I know that this is going to be a long week, it is now bedtime for me.


Today is the second day of school for my kids. Yesterday went well for them they took all there school stuff in so their book bags are lighter now so this morning will be a happier lighter morning. We had dance practice last night but no dancing was done we all just sat talked about our friend and everything we needed to. I am for the second day up earlier then I need to be but that's ok it's better then waking up late. I hope that the school year goes well for my kids and pray that there will be no more deaths of my friends. Well I need to get motivated to get myself ready to get the kids to school before I get them up and ready. Have a good day Happy reading Happy writing

The guilt

I am still dealing with the death of my friend, but not I am also dealing with the guilt of wanting to move on with life and getting back to my writing. I know he would want me sad and being overly weepy about him being gone. I know he would want me to continue with my life. I just feel guilty that I get to move on and he had his life cut so short. We butted heads and all that but he was a good man and he was wonderful with my kids. He helped them learn their steps in dance and was one of the first to tell them how great they were doing. We are going to miss him a lot. It is 2 am here on a Sunday morning I think it's time I go to bed and try to sleep before I start thinking too hard to sleep. I hope you all sleep well Hug all you loved ones

What a horrible day

This morning(8/9/13) about 2 in the morning a good man and a member of the dance group my kids are in was killed by a driver going the wrong way on the highway in a head on accident. He was a musician and D.J. And one of the nicest guys. Please keep his family in your thoughts here is the link to his memorial Facebook page.

So gloomy

It looks like it might rain today which matches my mood kinda grey and gloomy. I am doing better health wise so my plan is to do my edits and try to write. I am also trying to get the stuff organized for the kids to start school Monday. Geeze I can't believe it's school time already, it seem like the just got out out of school last week. We have all the school supplies, I am finding all their nicer clothes that still fit for school. They need shoes but we will be getting them this weekend. I am now off to see how the room cleaning is going ( the kids are cleaning their rooms) then to my writing. Have a wonderful day Happy reading Happy writing

Today is not my day

My charicters are not talking to me today on top of lack of sleep and bad acid reflux. Yay, but every will work out in a day or so. Soon my kids will be in school so I will have more time alone to write which will be a very good thing for everyone. I am going to call it a night soon, I hope everyone had a good day and have a good night. Happy reading Happy writing

Sorry all

The last couple days have been hectic but I am back. I have been writing but it's slow going which tells me I took a wrong turn somewhere. So I am back tracking to when the writing was flowing better and see where I went wrong. As a writer that happens sometimes, I will get to flowing better tomorrow after my son's dentist appointment. I have a few good sized apples on my apple tree now, just a few most were taken by squirrels and other little critters. I am hoping to get a pic tomorrow to post so you all can see how big the apples are. Well it's about bedtime for my kids and we have an early day so I may be heading there my self. Happy reading Happy writing


I am posting a paragraph of my next book if you don't want to read it close this post right now Here is your sneak peek My story begins with me in the large garden of my newly remodeled two story Victorian home. I was getting my garden ready for winter, when all of a sudden I heard a rustle of leaves in the woods. I looked up to see two very large green eyes watching me.  At first I just kept working until I heard a low growl come from the woods. I look up again and saw whatever was in the woods had gotten closer. I slowly got up and started backing away thinking 'if I can just get in the house I will be ok.'  I was within three feet of my back door when it jumped me, knocking me to the ground. When I realized it was a giant beast twice the size of any man. I screamed for help but the last thing I remember was the pain of being bitten and then it all went black. Please let me know what you think

Today has been an off day for me

I had to go to the urgent care yesterday evening I have a sinus/ ear infection so I am on meds to clear it up. The meds make me feel kind of foggy headed, so not much writing got done. I did work on what edits I got back. Then this evening we had dinner with my hubby's mom which is always nice. Hopefully I will be less foggy headed so I can get more writing done.  Now it's time to relax before getting ready for bed. Happy reading Happy writing :)

Oh my goodiness

Yesterday was a busy day, my kids had a preformance that morning so we all had to be up super early. After the preformance it was lunch time, we at at the busiest dq around. Then at 2 my kids had to get shots which went ok I think. When we got home I believe we all fell asleep till it was time for dinner. I did write a little after dinner then we all called it an early night. So far today  I have looked over the edits I got. As soon as I post this I will be working on them and writing. I hope you all have a great day Happy reading Happy writing


So yesterday I was fighting a headache, I got no writing done. Yesterday was also my mom's birthday, we( my kids,hubby,myself) called and sang her happy birthday. Since my head hurt so bad I  tried to call it an early night. I ended up not going to bed til after 1a.m. I did do the edits I got and working on my writing a little now it's time to eat lunch before going about the rest of my day. Have a good day all

Not such a good day

Today I have not been in the best of moods I have been crabby and short tempered all day. I had a meeting with my kids dance director all is well. A friend stop in for a visit before heading to Georgia for business. I did not get any writing done I should have stayed home and worked on my writing. But the day is over and tomorrow is a new day I hope it is a better day. Happy reading Happy writing


Started good I did some edits, spent time with my kids. When hubby got home we went to the chiropractor. When we got home I made dinner, that's when it went from a good day to a not so good day. I burned my finger while making dinner. It's not too bad but it hurts. So I am trying to do things one handed. This will make writing interesting lol.  Well I need to get some stuff done. Have a good day. Happy reading Happy writing

Oh it was so nice

It was soo nice out yesterday and today. We tried to spend as much time as we could because we have no idea how long this lovely weather will last. It's kinda late and I am going to be heading to bed here soon. Just wanted to pop on and let you wonderful people  know I have not forgotten to post and I will post more tomorrow. Happy reading Happy writing

Hi all:)

Today started with me taking my kids to the park for a while since it was such a nice cool day( which is odd this time of year) then when we got home they had lunch. I did some edits, before working on a few other non writing thing. Then when my hubby got home we went an registered the kids for school and picked up the school supples we ordered( it was offered thru the school). We ate dinner when we got home then I put the kids names on their school stuff. The kids had their showers and now we are relaxing til it's bed time. Today has been a very good day Happy reading Happy writing


I was so busy with my kids yesterday I fell asleep hard last night. In the morning my daughter had an ENT appointment, her ears and her hearing is perfect so she should not need to be seen by the ENT for a while. I am so happy she is ok. Then we spent time together til it was time for their practice. I spent time writing while they had practice. When got home everyone was tired so we all went to bed. Today I am planing on writing more, like most days. I am going to get breakfast then I am off to write. Have a great day Happy reading Happy writing

Today has been an ok day

We spent time at my parents' house today, I helped my sister cut her sons' hair and gave them a copy of the article about me that ran in the Alton telegraph(I put the link in yesterday's post). Then we came home and changed the brakes on the car ( yes I helped hubby do that). Did some shopping did dinner and showers for the kids. We are now watching silly stuff that makes us laugh before the kids go to bed. We had an ok day and hope all you wonderful people had a great day Happy reading Happy writing :)


I saw the article about me and my book it is good Here is the link I am so happy  Today I am not writing, I will be doing family   time Happy reading Happy writing

It's Friday again:)

Yesterday evening went well, we had dinner with my mother inlaw and we had a lovely time with her. We all went to bed not long after we got home (we got home around 8:00p.m.)  which was not so great since I was up really early this morning. Which I used it to check the normal stuff on line then started writing but I ended up rewrite a few pages before I actually made any progress. This is the life of a writer. The only reason I stopped just now was because I was not paying attention to the charge on my laptop and it about died. So I saved my work shut it down and put it on charge. Now it's thundering out so we may be getting rain soon. Well I am going to get something to drink and relax until hubby gets home to do the dinner thing :)  I hope you all have a great day  Happy reading  Happy writing

My Thursday

Today is better, I am not in pain. I got some writing done and will be doing more here soon. Today my cats have been all cuddly today which can be distracting. I am starting to get excited about the article about me that will run in the Alton Telegraph on Saturday. I will post the link Saturday for the article.  I hope it gets more readers for my book :) Well I better get back to my writing, I hope you all have a great day. Happy reading Happy writing

Today not so good

I am having a rough day so far. I woke up with a migraine from hell I finally got it too ease to a mild pain so I can work. I have been trying to write but my muse is no where to be found, I have no idea why she is MIA. But I really need her to come back, I need to be writing I need to finish this novel and start on the next one soon. No I do not have anyone giving me deadlines but myself I feel it's a good way to motivate myself. My kids are being wonderful today knowing mommy's head hurts. They keep checking to see how I am doing. They are so sweet, they even brought me a pillow and a cover so I can rest. They are playing in their rooms, and being really good today. Well I better get back to working on my writing. Hope you all have an awesome da

My Tuesday so far

Today was an early start day because I had to go see my ENT to make sure my ear tube was seated right. The tube is seated good and it's clear. The ENT is unsure why my hearing on my right side( the right ear has the tube in it) is still muffled. I will not see him again til October, hopefully all will be well then. Yesterday I got an email from a company that wanted to add a soundtrack to my book but with how I have my book published it would not be worth it for me to do that. I am off to write for a bit hope you all have a wonderful day.  :)


Has been a lazy day, I have not been feel very motivated. I did get some edits done but most of my day so far has been read or cuddling with my kids and my cats. This evening my kids have practice and I will be writing there while they practice.  I am off to spend time with my hubby, he just got home and he needs some cuddles too Have a good day everyone

Sneak peek

I decided to give you all a peek at my book enjoy                                                                    Chapter 1 ‘ Why are all the best places to eat in the worst parts of town? ’,  I thought as I walked under one of the                                                                                                                     few  street lights still working to light the road and sidewalk.  I smiled when I saw my destination. I walked into a nondescript building where a heavy set man wit...

What a pretty day

It has been very nice out most of the day which is helping everyone's mood I think. I lost a bunch of my apples to squirrels  but I still have a few, I am just happy it has apples on it. A picture of one of my apples. I spent most of my morning working on edits and I did write a little, I plan on working on more writing later. My kids have been getting ants about going back to school which will be the 12th of August as far as I know. They are growing up so fast and it makes me feel old. I know this is all part of being a parent and them growing up is a part of life. Ok enough of the sappy mom, Well it's time I go back to mommy mode. I hope you all have a great day and please feel fre to comment on any of my posts

My odd day

Yes today was odd nothing went wrong tho nothing went really right either. I did do some writing and will be doing more later. I did some edits as well, but spent a lot of time with my wonderful kids. It is beautiful out today not too hot but it's sunny and bright, it is great for ones mood when one has been feeling down is of late. I found so neat pics I want to share I hope you enjoy them

What a day

Today is/was a rough writing day, I was working on my novel when I got stuck. So I took a break from it and was working on the edits for the one before. Then I tried to go back to the other one  but still did not get any where so I am not working on it till maybe tomorrow. I am already tired and its only 12:20, this is going to be along ass day. SIGH

Some advice and images

I get asked from time to time for some advice so here is some advice I give. If you want to write then write even if its only 15 minutes a day. When you are done writing you start editing and when you think you are done give it to someone you trust and have them edit it. Then edit it again, when you feel it is ready write up a query letter and shop it around to agents and publishing houses. Do not give up! You will make it one day give it time. Here are some images that help me when I feel downhearted I hope they help you too

My day so far

Today has been a good day so far, I have been working on my page edits I am getting from a friend who is better at it than I am. I have been trying to write on my other book I have been working on but had to rewrite part of it because my computer lost them. I fixed the issues with the computer.and got the pages rewritten. If you did not read about it  I was Interviewed yesterday by a journalist for the Alton Telegraph the story will be in the paper on the 20th,  It's about my book/me.  I am sorry to all those I over looked emailing yesterday after the interview, I did not mean to over look you.

News paper interview

I just got off the phone with a journalist with the Alton Telegraph it will be in the paper on the 20th of this month. It is/was my first interview and I am excited to see it in the paper.


We have Internet back so I will be able to keep you all updated on my writing and all that

my 4th and the internet

My 4th of July was very nice we bbqed and we watched the firworks. But when we got home we had no internet there is an outage of some sort so I may not be able to blog as often as I want to but I will try to blog when I can


Today has been a busy day with my family, we did some shopping that needed to be done along with some that did not need to be done just yet. I am writing this very sleepy since we have been up early. So this will be a really short. Sleep well all my lovely fridys


I was doing things with my family inside since it was a rainy day. Then hubby and the kids went downstairs and so I could write without much interruption. I had gotten an email from an editor for a local paper. He asked that I call him which I did but I caught him at a busy time and he would call me back later, in the mean time he asked that I send a couple pictures. I sent the pictures and I am now just waiting as patiently as I can. By the end of the day I was so tired I forgot to blog. I hope you all have a great day :D

What a Monday

Today started ok and was ok till my ear really started to hurt. It got bad enough I went to the urgent care it turns out I have an ear infection and will be on antbiotic for a week or so. I finished my last class I passed it, so all I have to do is work on my writing.

Family day

Today I spent the day with my wonderful family. We watches movies and tried to stay dry since its been raining off and on all day. The next week will be filled with DIY house stuff and me writing as much as I can. That is if I can stay awake after all the work on the house. I hope everyone had a great weekend :)

Power outage and headaches

Last night we lost power for a few hours due to what we believe was the repair / replacement of a auto parts store's transformer that blow yesterday. So last night was a little stuffy at least until the power came back on. This morning I woke up with a horrible headache, so today my not be as predictive as I hoped it could be. My loving husband took the kids to his mom's to do some stuff over there for her, this way I can try to get rid of this headache and I might get some writing done. I have around 25,000 word down for the novel I am working on i am hoping that the word count on this one is around 80,000 words. So I was thinking I may see if I can get some guest bloggers from time to time to keep the blog interesting for all you wonderful people reading my blog. I would love to have your opinions on this idea.:)


Today is not a super busy day here, just doing some writing today. Well as much as I can with the kids running around :) When I looked out my window this morning I saw something I thought I would never see the apple tree in my front yard has apples on it. Lol yes I know that is what is normally on apple trees but I only have the one. I thought you need to have more then one to get apples, I guess I was wrong. There are only maybe a dozen apples right now but it is soo cool I will have apples this fall

Welcome to my blog

Hello just to give you a little info on me. I am a stay at home mom of 2 great kids my son is 11 my daughter is 9. Both of them think it is great that mom writes stories. You will see my spelling is not great. I depend on spell check and my friends, family to double check my spelling I have been writing off an on since I was in high school most of what I wrote till about 6 years ago was short stories and some poems. I have for the last 6 years and still plan on writing has been novelette to novel length stories.  I do have one book out  Nirvash, A Vampire's Tale I self published it last summer and it is a stand alone book I have another one that needs to be edited. I am writing the sequel to the one that needs editing both are/will be novel length. Here is the description of my novelette  Supernatural creatures exist; they face discrimination and fear of annihilation. Nirvash along with her friends and lovers must team up with every supernatura...